
Friday, April 13, 2012

Unity Friends With Flair blog hop

It's Friday again, and here's this week's post.  The Unity stamps aren't immediately apparent, but they are there.  I cut this card out on my Cricut, cut out a flower with several layers, then stamped each layer with various Unity stamps.  I used my new SMAK kit, and a Bitty Backgrounds set to add some texture to the petals.  I then bent the petals to make them look a little more realistic, inked the edges, sprayed them with Studio Calico Mister Huey gold, and assembled them using a hot glue gun.
I also have a close up of the flower so you can see the Unity stamps I used a little better. You can see the various layers of the flower and the gold Mister Huey shimmer shows a little.
Sammy, being my assistant, felt that the card wasn't arranged quite right.  He wasn't pleased with the lighting, so he made some adjustments.  Here he is, earning his assistant status. Good boy!


  1. Your card looks very nice! I love that
    your puppy thought so too and wanted to make sure that you showed it just right.

  2. Julie, your card is gorgeous!! Love the flower. And, your dog is totally sweet. Have a fab weekend!

  3. Love the card and the flower, but your assistant is awesome...his adjustments were parfait!

  4. It has gained the sniff of approval! So pretty!

  5. Gorgeous flower, happy colors!

  6. What a gorgeous colors you used for lovey flower.

  7. Your card is beautiful, and your doggie is adorable too.

  8. Beautiful card. Love the flower!

  9. Wonderful card! It looks like your assistant likes it too!

  10. A very pretty card - great flower and love the sparkle! Your doggie helper is pretty darn adorable too!!
