
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Unity Friends With Flair -- following directions is hard to do!

Another Friday!  Woohoo!  And this weekend may prove particularly exciting for me.  I've been saving for 3 years to buy myself a new Harley.  It's my midlife crisis, lol.  I got a call from the dealership today that the bike is in, but some part needed to install the saddlebags isn't in yet.  I'm hoping to get everything in order tomorrow so I can go pick it up on Saturday, ride it without the bags until the part comes in, then bring the bike back to get the bags put on.  So, if all goes well, I'll bring home my dream bike very, very soon.

Sorry for digressing there.  Now, on to Friends with Flair.... there is so much talent every week with these Unity peeps.  I'm amazed every single Friday.  I created this card for an accordion card challenge, and I also wanted to use it for the Ippity Challenge -- no pink, no purple, no flowers, no bling.  Well, the first one I made I put bling on without thinking about it.  The second one I made used a flower punch.  See?  following directions is very hard for me!  This is what I came up with in the end:
I'll enter this care in the Ippity challenge -- no flowers or bling, so I think it will qualify.

I like this card with the compass, but I accidentally "blinged it up" a bit, emphasizing the compass points.  Darn!

Here it is, with the accordion opened up.

And, here's my favorite version of the card.  But, there are flowers on the belly band, so I'm not gonna submit it.  Oh, I never learn!


  1. Wow Julie, a Harley? Congrats!! I'm envious, can you give me a ride? ;) Your accordion cards are so gorgeous!! Love all the variations. Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. Congrats on the Harley. The card is wonderful. Love the fold.

  3. Great Harley happiness to you! Our dd just bought her first motorcycle and she is on cloud 9! Love your cards, I've done the same thing with challenges! :)

  4. This is a wonderful accordian card.

  5. Wow, love this fold and your panels are gorgeous! Great color scheme.
    Happy FWF Friday!

  6. Oh that's a fun card! Enjoy your new wheels. :)

  7. That is super how you made the cards, and the belly bands!

  8. Those stinkin' instructions....make it difficult, don't they! LOVE all of your creations.

  9. this paper and layout is awsome!

  10. WOW...HAVE FUN on your new Harley! How exciting and it's the best time of year for it too.

    LOVE your card...very interesting and cool!

  11. Your accordion cards with the bands are awesome! Have fun on your new Harley this weekend!

  12. Wonderful accordion card! Nice job.

  13. Lovely cards! I too have a problem focusing on the directions of a challenge. The bonus to it is that you now have 3 cards made instead of 2 ;) Lol!

    Congratulations on your Harley! I hope that you are out riding today :D

  14. All of these are great cards! I'm glad you played along with the Ippity challenge!! Congrats on your Harley!!
