
Friday, June 14, 2013

Red, White and Beautiful -- a Tribute to Molly

I'm hopping today with 3 Girl JAM. You should have arrived from Kendra's blog. We're celebrating a special birthday of Julie, the owner's, sister.  And, we're celebrating some fantastic new red, white, and blue ribbon. For me, though, this post is going to deviate from the birthday theme.  It is my chance to share my news and celebrate a special life well lived.

Those of you who follow my blog regularly and who hop with me each week with Friends With Flair may remember my post from last week.  I was heading across the state with my 3 dogs to stay with my BFF.  Well, we made the trip, but the day we got there, my 12 1/2 year old Golden Retriever, Molly, got ill.  She got sicker and sicker as the day and night went on.  By the next morning, I cut our visit short and returned home, knowing her end was near.  I wanted my husband to have his opportunity to say good by to our Golden girl.  She died last Thursday, being held and told by both of us that we loved her very much.  I hope when my time comes, I am as lucky to die in the arms of a loved one, with a loving voice in my ear.

In honor of her, I got out one of my favorite Unity/Phyllis Harris stamps, and started the therapeutic process of creating something in her memory.  Here is my "Molly Art". 

Molly was a very dark colored Golden.  She was sometimes mistaken for an Irish Setter by people who didn't know their breeds real well.  I worked hard on this to get her color just right. She had just a touch of gray around her eyes and under her chin so I tried to get that in, too. And she was my special friend, so that's the sentiment I used.  The girl is no one in particular.  Molly loved people.  It wouldn't have mattered to her who this girl was -- Molly would have loved her.  Molly wagged her tail at everyone -- even cars driving by.  She absolutely loved people and attention.  One of the things my husband is missing the most is Molly's kisses.  She gave the gentlest kisses in the world. That's the reason I chose this particular image to stamp.  Molly and her gentle kisses.  Yeah.  We both miss them.

I used October Afternoon papers on this (Hometown and Fly a Kite) and made it 5x7 so I could frame it.  The stamp is Unity/Phyllis Harris "First Love".  The ribbon is, of course 3 Girl JAM, and it's the newest, prettiest, gotta have ribbon -- the Red, White, and Blue bundle.  Here's a close up of the ribbon flower I made. There is a sale going on to launch this new ribbon bundle, so make sure you check out the store this weekend!

Isn't that ribbon beautiful? I love the streaking in the white.  So fun!  The chipboard star is from UmWow Studios.  My friend, DeeDee has many innovative products you need to check out at her store. I used a Spellbinder label die and the heart bling is from my stash. I used a We R Memory Keepers Corner Chomper, too.

I rarely remember to list the Copic markers I used on this, but this time I did. Here they are:  The dog was colored with: E99, E39, E18, and YR23.  The bib overalls:  B93, B95.  Shirt -- R24, R27.  Shoes -- R27, R29, C1.  Skin -- E11, E00, E000, R20.  Hair -- C3, C5, C9.

I have some pictures and a few memories of Molly to share, but I realize that not all of you may want to hang with me for that long, so I'm going to give you the hop order here, and send you on your way if you want to hop along.  If you want to stick with me and see my pics, I'd love to share a few memories with you.

Here's the hop order:
Jessica B -
Kendra -
Julie O - -- you're here
Rebecca- -- go here next!
Scrappin Madge~
3GJ Challenge-

Molly loved to play ball.  She was obsessed with it.  The last day that we were at Sheri's, she wasn't feeling well, wanted to play ball, but was having difficulty.  She collected everyone's tennis balls and laid on them.  If she couldn't play catch, she didn't want anyone else to, either.  Here's a couple pictures taken of her that afternoon.

Molly's vet said her kidneys shut down on her.  We had that happen to the first Golden we had - years ago - too.  It is hard to have her gone, but she lived an incredible life.  She was healthy, happy, an athlete.  She was full of love, full of energy, never lacking for attention.  She  was slightly quirky, somewhat timid, always, always loving.  I miss her everyday.

I will leave you with a couple of my favorite pictures of my silly Molly. Here she is, resting on her pillow.  She could be a real lounge lizard, especially in her later years.

And, finally, a picture of the whole family, taken last Fall, shortly after Sophie came to live with us.  Sammy is on the left, Sophie in the middle, and Molly St. Valentine is on the right.  That's Shaun with all 3 of them.  He loved walking them together.

Thank you  for allowing the chance to share a few precious memories and to let my blogging friends know of my loss.  A big thank you to Julie K for her understanding, allowing me to deviate from the birthday theme today to pay my tribute to Molly.

I'm hosting a challenge this week at Crop Chocolate contest blog, Cocoa Creations.  The theme, in honor of Flag Day, is Red, White, and Blue.  Make a project of any sort using at least 2 of the 3 colors and link up with us.  You can win a bag of scrappy goodness (USA) or a gift certificate to an online retailer of your choice (Canada) for your creation. I will be submitting this project in the challenge.

Now, hop on off to Rebecca's blog and see what artistic goodness she has to inspire you with today.

I'm entering this in the following challenges:

Oozak's Challenge Blog -- Blues, Stars, and Stripes
Sister Act Card Challenge blog -- anything goes
D. L. Art Thankful Thursday Linky Party -- anything goes
Marker Pop -- Challenge #24, Loving You
CMC Copic Challenge Group -- Brunettes (Molly was a gorgeous brunette)
AUD Sentiments Challenge Blog -- Anything Goes


  1. So sorry to hear about your friend. Your card is a very nice tribute.


  2. I love the sweet tribute project that you made for your Molly. Our fur baby is a major part of our family. I lost 2 pets in one year from old age and failing health. I now have a small furbaby that I love to spoil rotton. Your Molly left this world knowing she was loved!!!

  3. OMGosh what a great tribut to Molly. I actully came here for the hop and I love it, but I also wanted to thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes June Linky Party
    DIANA L.

    PS. LOVE those goldies

  4. I'm such an animal lover, your dog Molly was a beautiful gal.... I'm so happy you shared your pics with us to honor Molly... I feel like i knew her, She's in doggie heaven with my cocker spaniel Chanel now, God rest her beautiful doggie soul... <3

  5. Beautiful story, Julie! Love seeing the pictures of Molly. I am a HUGE dog lover, too, and it breaks my heart when they are gone. Thankfully we have our memories of them...but it's hard. Thanks for sharing, and that's a beautiful card! She's chasing tennis balls up where she is now! God bless her, and you, Julie!

  6. Your Molly Art is just precious, Julie. It's clear what a work of heart it was. I'm wishing you healing.

  7. So sorry to hear about Molly! She was a beautiful dog!! Your tribute to her was perfect!

  8. Oh my! My heart is aching for you and your loss of Molly! I think your tribute to her is wonderful! Hugs!

  9. Tears for sweet Molly and the beautiful life she had. Everyone loved Molly! Precious tribute .... sending Love & Hugs to you Julie.

    And I have to comment on the ribbon. It's very pretty!

  10. And the card, of course, is one of a kind like Molly~

  11. I'm teary, my beautiful friend. What a lovely tribute to Molly. Somewhere she's playing catch and doggy-smiling down at you :) *hugs*

  12. Oooh, I am so sorry to hear about your dog, Molly. Beautiful project in tribute to your dog. I can relate as we had to lay our dog of 18 yrs down just a couple month ago and it's a sad time. Hang in there-prayers to you!
    Sherrie K

  13. Oh Julie..I am so sorry to hear about your precious baby Molly. What a sweet tribute you did for her. Thanks for sharing the photos of her as well. Big hugs girl!!

  14. I am SO sorry to hear about your sweet girl. :( Love the project you've made in her honor!!

  15. What an adorable picture!

  16. Awesome project. Lovely doggie family! So sorry for your loss. Dogs are special and hold a large piece of my heart.

    Be blessed, Beckie

  17. Adorable project. Love the colouring too.

  18. What Beautiful Fur Babies. What a Beautiful Framed project. So perfect with your story.

  19. So sorry to hear about your angel! I'm glad she lived a full life, though! Your tribute is just gorgeous! ♥ you!

  20. Fabulous dogs. This is a brilliant project wonderful colours . Thank you for joining us at Aud Sentiments challenge good luck Ginny ♥

  21. Oh Julie, I am so sorry to hear about Molly. I am a "Mom" to a 12 1/2 year old black lab boy so this hits VERY close to home for me. I am definitely sharing your grief. They become so much a part of the family and I can't imagine our home without our Boy. This is a beautiful memorial for Molly! I know you have many photos and scrap pages to remember her by as well.

  22. Julie, my heart broke when I read about Molly.I am so sorry. I understand how you feel as I lost my dog last year too. Lots of hugs to you my dear friend . Molly is beautiful and the frame will be perfect to preserve that memory. Do take care.

    1. Oh,this is sooo sweet. And the coloring is wonderful!
      TFS :)

  23. I love your frame and all the colors. Sorry to hear about your dog, Molly! My mom had to put a cat down a few years ago because of water on her heart and lungs. It was a sad day around here! We know have 2 rescued cats that think they can fight each other all the time! Have a great weekend!

  24. Thank you for sharing the memories of your beautiful girl with me. This is a wonderful memorial.

  25. your puppys are adorable and what an awesome keepsake you have created :)

  26. Gorgeous Doggies And Lovely Idea With The Frame

  27. Julie, I love your tribute to Molly! I am so sorry to hear that she passed, I know how much you loved her.

  28. Well, now I must go find a tissue. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. They find their way into our hearts in such an incredible way that they become actual family members. But pets will always leave that special paw print on your heart forever with love and memories. My thoughts are with you. PS. I love your framed tribute. I did the same thing with our cat.

  29. Lovely card and use of the ribbons.
    I am so sorry for the loss of your furbaby child. I get so tear'd up reading this. I have a 15.5 yr old whos pretty much blind and showing so much age. I know her day will come and this will be such a great loss in my life. I feel your pain. I am so sorry. ((HUGS))

  30. This is beautiful and such a great tribute. So sorry about your loss.

  31. Awesome project!... so sorry for your loss... Pets are family too and its so hard to let them go. (((HUGS)))

  32. Oh Julie, {{{{BIG HUGS}}}} I am so so sorry to hear this.

  33. Julie, this is such a sweet tribute to a beautiful baby. So sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose our furbabies. Hugs to you.

    Lesley @ Trendy Twine

  34. Aw, Julie, I'm so sorry for your loss. I had to put my dog down back in February and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, I'm so sorry. Your tribute is absolutely beautiful and Molly sounds like she was a wonderful dog.


  35. Julie..I am sooo sorry for your loss...I know that Molly went with love in her heart. I have had to make that dreadful decision to let go a few times. Each time I have been there holding them and telling them how much they were loved. I truly believe they can go peacefully while being held and comforted...They bring so much joy to our lives and leave so many wonderful memories for us to look back on...Your project today will take you back to all the good times you shared and you will find yourself smiling each time you look at it and remember...Beautiful!

    Cricut Chick

  36. So sorry for your loss, my heart breaks for you and your family. This was a great tribute to her memory. Carri~Abusybee

  37. I think your card is very cute and so sweet!

  38. This is precious. I think Molly would have loved it too! Thank you for sharing. :)

  39. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know it's not easy :( Your card is very sweet and beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  40. What soy, Julie, I am so sorry to read this news. I know how much your dear friend meant to you and DH. What a lovely project to have in her memory!

  41. your project is a beautiful tribute and what sweet photos and memories you have. So sorry for your loss.

  42. Julie, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a precious tribute to your sweet-Molly! I enjoyed seeing the photos & reading your story about her.

  43. great tribute project Julie! So sorry for your loss!

  44. There are no words that can comfort the loss of a faithful companion. Sending a big bear hug, Julie.

  45. You did a wonderful tribute to Molly. I'm really sorry for your loss.

  46. This is a beautiful tribute to Molly.

  47. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how it is to lose a pet who is such a part of the family. The stamp is perfect to show her personality.

  48. Oh Julie. I am so sorry to hear about Molly! It is soooo hard to lose a family member! They are such a part of you. I feel so sad for you. How are the other dogs taking it? They are mourning too, I am sure. {{{{Hugs}}}} to you. I still miss my Snickers and she's been gone for 5 years.
    Great tribute project!

  49. Oh, sweet Julie :( As I type through the tears, I nod my head reading some of your words with compassion and understanding (my 2 pups are 13). My heart aches for you, your hubby, Sammy and Sophie. Your tribute is beautiful and Molly is smiling upon you for remembering her in such a tender way. Your pain has to be immense, my friend. will see her again and she will always be in your heart. Sending you tons of comforting hugs, Julie!!!

  50. Julie, this is beautiful tribute. Such a perfect stamp for it, I think. Prayers to help mend your heart.

  51. Julie- this is a beautiful post and a beautiful project. :)

  52. Such a lovely tribute and project, Julie! So very sorry for your loss.
    ~Donna K

  53. So sorry for your loss and what a great tribute!


  54. So sorry for your loss, what a wonder tribute project. Great design, love the ribbon and added star!

  55. I am not sure I am in the right spot on your posts but I can't go searching as I have tears in my eyes ( tricky to type too) Julie as I have read your lovely tribute to Molly. Such care and thought you have put into your piece. I think it is the unconditional and absolute love that our dogs give us that make us so attached to them too.
    Sending you an Aussie Cyber hug Julie. We are about to run away for a 3 day break - that is about as long as we have as we worry about our dogs being left behind! Even though my Dad is dotty about them too!

  56. Oh, Julie - I'm so sorry to hear about Molly passing away! You were both incredibly lucky to have had each other and shared such love. She looks like she was a lot of fun and was a delightful companion. Such a lovely tribute to her, by the way - she'll live on through your memories!

  57. Aww!!! What a wonderful tribute to a faithful friend!!! I am so sorry for your loss!

  58. A beautiful tribute to beautiful Molly. TFS xx

  59. Hi Julie! I'm so sorry to hear about Molly. I know you must be so sad. My friend, Christine also lost her beagle of 11 years last week. As much as Molly has brought joy into your life, I'm sure she felt most loved too. Your artwork with the sweet little girl and dog is so Beautiful! It is a wonderful memento of Molly who is dearly missed. Take care, my dear friend!!
