
Monday, July 29, 2013

Christmas in July and a winner

There are several Christmas in July challenges going on, and since July is quickly slipping away, I decided I better get entered in them soon.  I promised to announce the winner to the blog candy from this weekend's posts early in the week.  So, I made a quick Christmas card today so I'd have a card to post AND the winner of the blog candy. Woot!
Here is the 10 minute CAS card I whipped together:
I used a stamp set from Raisin Boat called "Naughty or Nice". I am currently renting it, but I think I'm going to end up buying it.  The set has many adorable dog images on it, and I'm a sucker for all things dog. And stamps.  Put the two together and there's no hope for me.  I colored the cute little guy with Copic markers and used a little Stickles on his hat.  The paw print washi tape is from my stash.  The wood grain Kraft is from Studio Calico.
OK, now for the winner of the blog candy from the weekend: I had 7 posts from Thursday-Saturday.  Using, the #7 was chosen.  The last post was the Joy's Life blog hop post. There were 27 comments on that post. chose #19, Miwa.  She says,  "This is really cool! Great take on the 3-D... very clever!"
Congrats, Miwa!  I'll get your prize mailed out to you.
I'm entering this in the following challenges:
Raisin Boat -- Christmas in July
Sister Act Card Challenge -- anything goes
Crafting for All Seasons -- Christmas in July
Stamp and Create -- Christmas in July
Crafting by Designs -- Christmas in July



  1. Julie this is wonderful! One of my favorite Raisin Boat sets. I know it is hard to send them back sometime.
    Thanks for joining the challenge this mont at Raisin Boat and because you used a Raisin boat set you get you name in the drawing twice.
    Have a great crafty day!

  2. Woot woot! Congrats Miwa!

    Can I just say, I love that washi! Doggy paw prints! Too cute and what a great match to that adorable stamp.

  3. What an adorable card! Great job, Julie!
    WOW--Miwa's on a roll!! Good for her!

  4. What a fun card Julie! Love the doggy :)

    Thanks for joining us this week at Sister Act Card challenge

    Angeline DT

  5. *gasp* Wow, thank you, Julie! I marveled at all the inspiration you provided over the past few days - I mean, seriously - how do you do it? It's all fabulous! Love this doggy Christmas card - so sweet (and it makes me want a dog again!). A Christmas card with a guinea pig on it just wouldn't be the same, you know? Thank you again, Julie! :)

  6. Hi Julie!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I hope you have a great time at Picture This today! It is an awesome store, so be prepared to be amazed! We have tons of awesome products with plenty of new stuff that just hit the floor this week! It is amazing what a small world this is! Are you from WI?

