
Friday, December 6, 2013

Friends With Flair, Giveaway Winners and new Design Team Announced

If you're looking for the 3 Girl JAM Holiday Hop, please go HERE, or just scroll down.
Happy Friday, everyone!  It's been a long, busy week for me.  By the time today is over, I will have 50 hours in at work. Ugh! Next week will be better, though.  Both my husband and I are taking Monday and Tuesday off to celebrate our 30th(!) wedding anniversary.  I may do nothing but sleep!
I made this card a couple weeks ago and saved it until today.  I knew I'd be too busy this week to have any time to create.  It's a new card design for me, called a flip swing card.  What do you think? 
If you want to try one yourself, I cut it out on my Silhouette, using this file I found in the Silhouette Online Store. Then, I used a couple different Unity stamps on the front of the card: "Gingham Christmas Greetings" and "naughty.nice.not sure".  I used ink from an ink pad and a water pen to get the watercolor effect on the holly and berries.
And, here's the inside, "flipped" part:
I used a Close To My Heart image and sentiment stamp inside, and more watercolor painting on the bird, then dressing the bird up with some Stickles and a Viva Décor Pearl pen.  After all, it's Christmas, and he needs to sparkle and shine! I also paper pieced his hat to give him some more dimension.
First, my design team announcement.  I've been just waiting to spill the beans on this one! I made the 2014 Timeless Twine Design Team!  I can't wait!  The chance to play with twine for a year! And with some really talented gals! Yeah!
And now, to announce the giveaway winners!  I did it, I did it! I made it to 300 followers! To celebrate, I chose 3 winners, one from each of my 3 posts last weekend (2 Friday, 1 Sunday).  Using, here are the 3 winners and their prizes:
JP Scraps -- grab bag of Unity Stamps, and because of my recent DT success, some Timeless Twine.
Donna K -- Unity Stamps, Timeless Twine, and 3 Girl JAM ribbon
Iris --  blog candy of 6x6 paper, stamps, ribbon, twine, embellishments, and whatever else I throw in. 
Congrats, winners!  Please contact me with your addresses and I'll get your things in the mail ASAP.
I'm linking up early and heading to work for a 12 hour day.  Wish me luck!



  1. WOW you've got a lot going on Julie. I so admire your dedication to creating when your life is so busy! First, Happy Anniversary…congratulations to you both, 30 years is something to be so very proud of in today's disposable world! Sleep all day if you wish, you deserve it!!
    Second…YAHOO for you, another DT and twine is SO very fun to play with…I'm excited to follow your new journey and see what you create.
    Third…LOVE this card design…so fun and so many possibilities. GREAT job!
    Fourth…Congratulations on your 300 followers!! AND…..YAY me…so excited to see my name on your prize list!! How did I get so lucky?! Happy Friday, Julie!!

    1. I'm just giggling at how many times I said SO in my comment…I must have been SO excited! hahaha

  2. HAPPY Anniversary Julie. Cute card and design. Don't work too hard today.

  3. Oh this looks festive for the holidays. Very cool design. Happy Anniversary. Big milestone. :)

  4. oh wow this is so special!! great fold :D

  5. Awwww, what a cute cute card Julie! :)

  6. Fun design and colors, Julie! Congrats to you and hubby on 30 years. Enjoy your time off!

  7. Happy Anniversary!! 30 years is quite an accomplishment :o) Very cute card! I haven't tried a flip card yet.

  8. Super cute card.

    Be blessed, Beckie

  9. Lovely card. I am sure everyone will love it.

  10. Nice card! I need to learn to make this "flip style" card

  11. you are crazy busy, and since a friend of mine that just makes you crazy ;-) what a great card, love this fold!

  12. Happy 30th Anniversary! The card is soo cool. I love it! Congrats on the DT. I'm sure you'll create some awesome projects. Thanks so much for the awesome prize but how do I email you?

  13. Oh my gosh!! Adorable card, happy anniversary!!, and congrats on the DT!! What a busy month! LOL

  14. Lovely card design!! Congrats on the new DT! How exciting!

  15. I's superb and love the twisty part x

  16. I'm so happy to be a winner of your blog candy of 6x6 paper, stamps, ribbon, twine, embellishments, etc. I just emailed you my info.
    Congrats on 30 years!
    Your red and white card is so pretty - I love the striped paper.
    isoscia at aol dot com

  17. I absolutely love this - another reason I need a Silhouette":-) The paper and stamps are perfect together too.

  18. Adorable card, Julie! And congratulations on you joining the Timeless Twine DT! That's so huge! How do you find all the time and energy? Your creativity seems to know no bounds, so I found you truly amazing. :) You go, girl!!!

  19. Beautiful card design. Congrats on your anniversary, and the new DT!

  20. Wonderful card! Love the flip design and the punny sentiment on the inside!

  21. Happy 30th, Julie! Not many can say that, these days. Enjoyed your card, but happy I got to pay a visit. Congrats to the winners.

  22. Congrats and great card. I need to try on ot looks like fun

  23. Congratulations Julie! Both on your new DT and for celebrating 30 years. :)
    Terrific card, too. I like the stamp combo and the fun card design.

  24. Super cute card! Love the holiday colors and stamps!
