
Sunday, December 1, 2013

'Tis The Season Blog Hop

Welcome to our

We are on Day 2!

There are only a few stops on this hop each day, and you are going to love the projects you see.

I am the last stop

Here is the entire list of stops for day 2:

I thought long and hard about what to create for this hop.  I wanted something with a holiday theme, of course, something 3D (for some reason, I'm not sure why that was important to me, but it was), and I wanted it to be something I could use in the near future for a gift.  Well, on the first snowy day here in NW Wisconsin, I got my inspiration.  Make something with a snowflake theme! So, I did...
I found this snowflake gift box and matching card cutting file at The Cutting Café.  I cut them out on my Silhouette, using Echo Park papers on the card and Close To My Heart papers on the box.
Here's a view of the Snowflake box (Snowflake Kisses Box set)
And, a different angle of it so you can tell the size a little better, and see the pretty handle:
Here's a close up of the card.  It used the "Fun With Snowflakes" cutting file from The Cutting Café:

The sentiment on the card is a Unity Stamp of the Week, "Simple Snowman Joy".
I have blog candy to give away.  I have been shopping and saving for quite some time, hoping to get to 300 followers, and I am very, very close.  If I get there this weekend, I will pick two winners.  I have 6x6 papers, Unity stamps, Close To My Heart Stamps, 3 Girl JAM ribbon, rubons, embellishments, embossing folders, Pinque Peacock beauties, brads -- lots of great stuff! To be eligible, please follow my blog and leave a comment on this post.  I will pick the winner(s) early this week.

I am the last stop on the hop.  If you just happened by my blog, or if you missed any of the other stops, please visit the other stops.  Some of them have blog candy to give away, too.  Please read their instructions, as they may be different than mine.  Don't forget about yesterday's hop also.
Thank you for hopping with us!!!!


  1. Your gift box and card are sooo adorable!!

  2. What a fabulous card and treat box!

  3. Love your beautiful snowflake gift bag and card!

  4. What a beautiful gift bag and card. Love the snowflakes.
    Have a creative day.
    Hugs Nana
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks ♥
    ♥ Silhouette Challenges ♥

  5. Love that little gift box! Beautiful card too!
    I am already a follower here! Congrats on 300 followers.... almost there!

  6. I love all things snowflakes, and these are no exception!! Gorgeous!!!

  7. These are beautiful! I love the papers you picked and the gems you added- what a great gift set. Btw, as I write this you're only one follower away from 300! Congrats!

  8. these are pretty Julie!! I love the addition of the bling :-)

  9. Oh wow, love these. I think I'm already following you but I'll make sure. Have enjoyed this hop!

  10. Guess what? I wasn't signed up and the count was 299. I followed you on Google + and you hit 300! Congrats!

  11. soooooooo super that box

  12. What great projects!!! You, my friend, are amazing!!

  13. Love your snowflake basket and card.
    isoscia at aol dot com

    1. Forgot to say that I follow you with bloglovin and google friend connect

  14. Great projects here, Julie! Off to do the rest of the Hop. Stopped by to congratulate you on your Unity win!!

  15. So lovely and just love the sweet charm added.

    marg0006 at Verizon dot net

  16. Love those papers, that basket is so pretty!

  17. You did a great job on these projects!!!

  18. YOU MADE IT TO 300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Fantastic. Congratulations!!!!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com
