
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Berry Special Treats -- for Snapdragon Snippets

It's getting to the end of strawberry season where I live.  Darn!  It's one of my favorite seasons of the year.  In honor of the sweet berries, I made these projects, from Snapdragon Snippets. This is the Hearts Mini Handle Favor Basket from the Snapdragon Snippets Store.  It's available here in the Silhouette Design Store.  I modified the design slightly, adding the Heart Strawberry design instead of the original heart.
I made two of these berry baskets, for two good friends, filling them with my second most favorite treat -- chocolate! 
Here's a close up of the strawberry shaped heart:
I also made  2 cards with the strawberry theme.  This is found in the Silhouette store here and in the Snapdragon Snippets Store HERE. Here's card 1-
and card 2 -
Papers and stamps for these projects are all from Close To My Heart. 
Check out the Snapdragon Snippets blog for lots of great inspiration from this talented team!

1 comment:

  1. What a yummy set of strawberries. Your baskets look perfect fro chocolate treats.
