
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Never Give Up -- for Great Impressions Stamps

This is it.  My final post for this term on the Great Impressions Stamps blog.   I have so enjoyed the ride!

For my last post, I decided to share one of the cards I used when I applied for the team.  It uses 2 Great Impressions Stamps that I purchased long ago.  They still bring me great inspiration, and they are still 2 of my all-time favorite stamps from ANY stamp company. 

This card features 2 Great Impressions rubber stamps.  They are:  E795 - Tricycle and  A145 - Never Give Up.

I colored E795 - Tricycle with watercolor paints and a very tiny paint brush. 

This Tricycle and Never Give Up sentiment inspired me to try out for this design team.  I am so glad I did!  It has been one of the more outstanding creative experiences I have had!  Thanks to Deonne, Mynn, and the whole design team for a wonderful term.

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