
Monday, November 21, 2016

Grateful -- for Path of Positivity

It's Monday, and time for a little mid-month inspiration at the Path of Positivity Challenge Blog. The challenges are month long, and this month's theme is 'Appreciation'.  I think this is a great theme for the month of Thanksgiving (at least here in the U.S.)!

I appreciate our wonderful guest sponsors this month, and I'll tell you more about them after I show you the card I made using an incredible scrapbooking kit from one of our guest sponsors this month, Kitten Scraps:

I used several elements from the 'Family Feast Kit' to create this card.  The moose and turkey clip are, the 'Grateful' sentiment tag, the tag behind the twosome, and the awesome papers are all from the Kitten Scraps Family Feast Kit (and there's LOTS more to explore!)

All I needed to complete the card were Spellbinders dies for the shape and a bit of crinkle ribbon.

A Day For Daisies is one of our wonderful sponsors this month.  One lucky challenge entry will get a $12 gift certificate to the Day For Daisies Store.

Kitten Scraps is our other guest sponsor.  One lucky challenge winner will get a $20 gift certificate to the Kitten Scraps store.

Thanks, also to our regular sponsors, Creative Bug Digital Stamps & Decosse's Dynamite Doodles.

I hope you can join in on our 'Appreciation' themed challenge this month at Path of Positivity.  It goes until Dec. 4, so there's plenty of time to link up! 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving my friend!


  2. Such a fun card, Julie! Love all the patterns behind the duo and that bow is the perfect touch. Hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend.
