
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Welcome to the North Pole - for the 12 Months of Christmas

December 1!  Here we go!  It is upon us!  That also means that the last challenge of the year is starting at the 12 Months of Christmas Challenge blog.  If you've played along with us all year, you've got quite a stash of Christmas cards, ready to send!

This month, the optional theme is Welcome to the North Pole.  We want to see Santas, reindeer, elves, penguins.  You will be eligible for the prizes from our guest sponsors if you use these themes.  But, you can enter any Christmas cards you make, regardless of the theme.

Here's mine!

I created this card using an image from one of our guest sponsors, Limited Runs.  I colored 'Santa Head' with Copic markers.  The designer papers are from our other sponsor, Decosse's Dynamite Doodles.  The sentiment is from Close To My Heart.  The wreath die is from Hero Arts. 

Come join us at the 12 Months of Christmas!  We're also having a DT call.  It's a great way to keep ahead of the Christmas card making.  This time of year, I'm so glad I've been working on it each month!  

1 comment:

  1. Julie your card is so adorable. Sorry you have been having such a rough time. Sending happy thoughts your way!!!
