
Monday, June 3, 2019

Just a Note -- for Path of Positivity Challenge Blog

It's the first Monday of the month, so it must be time for a new challenge at the Path of Positivity Challenge Blog!  The challenge starts today, and runs until Sunday, June 30.  The optional theme this month is 'Encouragement', or you can link up any positive themed project that you make.

Our sponsor this month is SheepSki Designs.  I just love Andrea North's images, so this is a real treat for me!  For the start of the challenge, I had the joy of working with a digital image called 'Solo':

This is an encouragement card, as this inside reads "to show I care".   I'm sending it to a friend that has been ill and needs a bit of cheering up.

I colored Solo with Copic markers.  The note paper, with floral accents is from We Are 3 Digital Shop.  It is from the Just a Song Collection. 

Encouragement -- we all need it, we all give it.  Make a project and link up this month at The Path of Positivity Challenge Blog.  You'll have a chance to win wonderful images like this one from SheepSki Designs!

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
Word Art Wednesday -- ATG
Happy Craft Challenge -- ATG
Lemon Shortbread Challenge -- ATG


  1. So beautiful with that musical banner behind the flautist! Your gorgeous coloring brings her to life!

  2. What a fantastic creation Julie, I really love this
    Andrea x
