
Friday, June 7, 2019

You're One in a Melon! for Colour Crazy Challenges

It's Friday!  Fri - yay!  You have to love Fridays!  I love them for many reasons, including it's the day that new challenges start over on the Colour Crazy Challenge Blog.  Each Friday, a new challenge starts, featuring wonderful colorists, and a marvelous sponsor!  What a great way to begin your Friday!

This week on the Colour Crazy Challenge Blog, our sponsor is Bugaboo Stamps. Those of you who follow my blog know I'm on the Bugaboo Stamps design team, so this sponsor makes me very happy!  Another thing that made me happy was coloring up this delicious Bugaboo Stamps watermelon image:

This image is part of the One in a Melon set.  In the Bugaboo Store, you get both the black & white version and a colored version of both the watermelon digi and the sentiment. 

I colored One in a Melon with Copic markers.  I'm trying to be bolder with my color choices.  I used everything from RV04, to RV69, to R89 on this watermelon, with a few shade in-between.

The fun watermelon papers are a new release in the We Are 3 Digital Shop.  They are all from the new Watermelon paper pack.  

I used last week's sketch at Sketch Saturday to help me create this card. 

I hope you can join us this week at the Colour Crazy Challenge Blog, where challenges are always Anything Goes (as long as you color your image with whatever coloring medium you like). 

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
As You Like It -- Favorite Stamp Brand (Bugaboo -- first digis I ever bought, and I still love them)
Craft Rocket Challenge -- summer is coming
D.L. Art -- June Linky Party

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