
Monday, November 1, 2021

Have a Magical Christmas -- for SheepSki Designs

It's the first of the month, and a new challenge starts today at SheepSki Designs Challenge Blog Challenges run for the whole month and have a theme.  For November, the theme is 'Tis the Season.  We want to see those Christmas projects!

I used the image Christmas Eve to create this...

I colored Christmas Eve with Copic markers, then fussy cut the image.  I made the snowdrifts using hill dies from Lawn Fawn.  The night sky was created using a piece of blue paper and dotting it with a gel pen to create the stars.  The sentiment is an acrylic stamp from Crafter's Companion.

I hope you can join our 'Tis the Season challenge this month at SheepSki Designs Blog Challenge! There's also another challenge in the SheepSki Designs Facebook Group.   I'd love to see what you create! 

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
Christmas 24 Challenge -- 'W' is for White
12 Months of Christmas -- ATG as long as its Christmas
2 Crafty Critter Crazies -- ATG with a Critter
Crafty Animals -- ATG with an Animal