
Friday, April 1, 2022

Friendly Florals -- for Dies R Us Challenges

Here we are, galloping through the 2022 calendar year.  I can't believe it's April 1 already.  There's still ice on the lakes here, and the temperatures feel very much like winter, but spring is officially here.  I also know that it's time for a new challenge at Dies R Us Challenges!  The challenge will run for 2 weeks, but the theme for the whole month of April is Flowers &/or Spring.  Follow that theme, use a brand of die sold in the Dies R Us Store, and and link up!  It's that easy.

I am anxiously awaiting the first flower of spring where I live, but the growing season hasn't started yet.  There's still too much snow!  But, when I create a springtime card, I can dream, right?

I've jumped into the slimline trend with today's card. The featured die is from Spellbinders

The die is called Blossoming Slimline from Spellbinders Paper Arts.   It's a 2-part die.  You can either use it as a panel, like I did here, or cut it into your card front.  I wanted several shades of blue on the card, so opted for the panel option.  The "Hello Friend" sentiment clear stamp is also from Spellbinders. It's part of a stamp set called Essential Sentiments.  I embossed it with white embossing powder from Hero Arts.  It's available in the Dies R Us Store

Are you from Canada?  Then check out the Didi Crafts Store.  You'll find a wonderful array of craft products, and reasonable shipping rates. 

I hope you can join us this Dies R Us challenge! Remember, the theme is Flowers &/or Spring.  They'll be a gift certificate given away to one lucky winner and 3 designer choice awards.


  1. I love it when the dies do all the work, this card is fabulous! I hope spring shows up for you soon. Our spring bulbs are just poking out of the earth, but it's been cool here on the east coast too. Come on spring!

  2. What a gorgeous slimline card. This die is now on my wish list :-).

  3. What a lovely slimline card! Love the colors of blue that you used! Beautiful gems, too!


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  5. Great floral die for your pretty slimline card.

  6. This is such a lovely card, Julie. Love the pops of colour. Beautifully done! I'm so sorry for commenting at the last minute, but life has taken over my crafting time. Hoping to get to some sort of normalcy soon :-)
    Lena xx
