
Friday, May 4, 2012

National Scrapbook Day Unity Challenge (UnityNSDC2012)

Unity has a challenge going on using this sketch.  We can make either a layout or a card, and only Unity or Ippity stamps are to be used.

I decided since I'm behind on scrapbooking, that I would use a couple pictures from when I went ice fishing this winter.  My BFF Sheri and I walked several miles across the ice to her husband's ice shack.  Steve and his friend Rick were expecting us, but the shacks had been vandalized that night and they were busy repairing broken windows.  That meant there was no heat yet.  So, it was truly "ice" fishing, since the outdoor temperature was 10 degrees that day.  My two dogs loved the experience, once they figured out to avoid the holes in the middle of the shack.  Sammy got wet feet a couple times.  My guess is it might have meant for a cold walk back home for him, but he never showed it.

Here's my take on the sketch.  I used all October Afternoon patterned papers and Close To My Heart cardstock.  The title is made from Thickers.  I used the following Unity stamps sets:  Swirling Snow, Jolly Good Fun, SMAK True Story (3/12), and April 2012 kit of the month.   It's difficult to read in this picture, but the snowflake in the lower right corner is stamped with the sentiment, "we're all just a little flaky".  It seemed appropriate under the circumstances!


  1. Love the title, Ice Fishing!! It sounds so fun. Your layout is lovely.

  2. That's a pretty amazing ice shack! I've never been.


    But what a great layout to hold the memory!

  3. What a great LO! My family loves ice fishing. I love watching them from the window!

  4. LOL How funny about the flaky part. You could not pay me to sit and freeze in an ice shack LOL I love the layout! It's awesome!

  5. Oh my this is GORGEOUS!! I just love it!! thanks for playing along with us today!! happy dance!!
