
Sunday, July 1, 2012

More Challenge entries for the "Those Left Behind" blog hop

I've been gone most of the last week, but when home, I've been trying to crank out a few cards inbetween unpacking, repacking, doing laundry, paying bills, cleaning the house, etc.  Here's a couple I made this evening while watering our very dry yard and flowers.  I am using them for 2 challenges on  The challenges are: Haf2scrap – (guest of centralnyscrapper) PROJECT USING 3 DIFFERENT ALPHABETS and by belle - http://stuffbybelle.blogspot.comCREATE SOMETHING THAT INCORPORATES A HANDMADE NON-PAPER ITEM.

Here's the 2 cards:

When making cards, I often make 2.  It's so much quicker to make 2.  The first one is slow because I'm designing, but the second one goes together in a flash.  That's what I did here.  Both cards use the same DP -- Echo Park Paradise Beach 6x6 paper pad.  One has Kraft cardstock (CTMH), the other has Bazzill.  Alphabet stickers (3 different ones used on the first card to meet the challenge, are all from the EP Paradise Beach 12x12 kit.)  The homemade, non-paper element is the felt 'b'.  I cut it out on the Cricut, using a deep cut blade and the multi-cut feature.  The bee stamps are Ippity (Unity), colored with Copic markers. Hope you like them!


  1. Cute cards! Great idea about making 2!

  2. Thanks for following me. I think I am going to like following these blogs. So many creative ideas. I may have to borrow your idea on the bee cards. They are so cute. I have a very close friend who just took up bee keeping and she is so excited about it. That would make such a cute birthday card for her. Have a great day.

  3. Super CUTE! Love the hexagons! Thanks for joining us at the IPPITY/Unity Opportunity Challenge!
    ~JenMarie Taylor, {ippity} Chick

  4. How absolutely adorable!! What a fun and festive card, full of color :) I just found you via Becky (via Olga) and love your blog! I love that you include your doggies in your blog, too :) Blessings!
