
Friday, August 17, 2012

Can't believe it, but it's time for Friends With Flair

I'm leaving for a kayaking trip on Lake Superior this morning, so this will be a quick post.  We're dropping the poor pooches off at a kennel, loading the kayaks, and heading North.  Of course, the temperature has crashed the last couple of days so we'll probably freeze on the lake.  Oh well.  Such is the way of our vacations.

On to Friends With Flair.  I've been working on a 2-page layout that I finally got done.  There's just a little itty bit of Unity on it, so I'm going to share it here.  Be patient, and I'll show you where. 

First view -- both pages...

and, page 1...

page 2...

And, here's where you can see the Unity.  Most everything in this layout is from Close To My Heart -- paper and stamps, EXCEPT I added some texture to my title using Unity Bitty Background stamps.
Here's a close-up so you can see what I mean...

and, a close-up of the journaling...

I dyed the ribbon different colors using ink pads.  It was a new technique for me.

I also have 2 cards that look very, very similar.  Only the sentiment and bling are different.  The contest on this week is rainbows and bling, so I got out a design I had used in the past, tried it on different papers, added bling for the first time, and here is what I came up with...

 Papers are MME Sophie Sophie Clever.  The rainbow & sun stamps are a retired CTMH set.  Clouds and sentiment are Unity.
And, I'm off!  I don't know if I'll have internet connection in the motel tonight or not.  If I do, I'll check out the other great talent on FWF.  If not, know that I'm paddling and I'll catch you next week!


  1. Great projects! Love the cuddly puppy pictures and that rainbow is so fun and cheery!

  2. Awww....what a cute LO with the puppies! And I love the rainbow card....yep....I saw that over on

  3. Love your layout and your card is fabulous. :)

  4. Very nice projects. The rainbow card is nice and cheery.

  5. Your projects are fantastic! Hope you have a great time this weekend!

  6. Awww....what a cute LO with the puppies.

  7. Your cards are so cute! Love that rainbow.

  8. Your dogs are adorable! I love tour layouts and your card...

  9. I can totally relate to the dog poses in your shots...EXCEPT, mine sprawl with much less landscape (they are both <10 lbs)....

    Anyway, besides the love of pooch...

    The cards and your scrapbook layout are so nice!

  10. Great layout and cards! Have fun!

  11. Have a FUN weekend. Love the layout and cards!

  12. Cute layout - and love the darling card!!!

  13. Aw! So sweet! I love your work.

  14. Sweet layout and your cards are darling!

  15. HEY...just wanted to add that I got your blog candy...thanks so much! I wanted to return a card, but can't believe I lost your addy (my hubby threw away the envelope before I had a chance to write it down)....

    Send it to my on my email ....!
