
Friday, February 8, 2013

Long week, short post for FWF

Long nights without much rest
Doesn't make me think the best.
Seems I'm looking older with wrinkles
instead of having eyes that twinkle.

Wish I could find more time to scrap,
all I do is deal with flaps (fooled you, didn't I?)
Happy the week is almost done,
Maybe next Friday I'll rock this one!

OK, enough poetry from me.  Guess that won't be published anytime soon! On to the cards:

This first one is super simple.  I always make a bunch of Valentine cards, then hand them out to the residents in the nursing home where I work.  This will probably be one of them I use this year because I can whip them out really quickly.

 It used Carta Bella kraft card stock, and two Unity stamps set, Susan Weckesser's a Little Grunge Love, and the Liz Hick's alphabet set.

I cut this next card out on the Silhouette.  It's a double slider card.

 And, here's a close up of the stamped image from the Unity Snowflake Kisses set:

 I used Echo Park Playground cardstock on the slider card.

The last card is also cut out on the Silhouette.  Then, I just added a couple of embossed hearts from the Susan Weckesser A Little Grunge Love set.

I used Echo Park cardstock on this card and CTMH ink and embossing powders.

That's it!  Enjoy your weekend, and thanks so much for visiting today!


  1. Love your grungy hearts Julie! :) cute poem by the way... get some rest over the weekend :)

  2. Excellent CAS cards! Your residents at the home will love receiving them!

  3. As usual, a wonderful set of cards!

    And your poem IS published...right HERE! (fun one too)

  4. Nice cards, Julie! I really love the third one... The purple with the pop of red is very cool! Get some rest!

  5. Hi Julie, another set of sweet creations! I am envious that you can make so many. I wish I have more time ;) I love the simplicity of the last card. It looks really fabulous.

  6. Julie, excellent cards. Your residents will LOVE them!

  7. Thanks for sharing all your ideas!

  8. What a neat ideals on your cards.

  9. You've been busy! Love your heart cards and God bless you for making them for your residents!!
    Things are going ok with the fil...dh is spending lots of time there!

  10. Brilliant projects and loved your poem as well!!!

  11. I thought your poem was something someone else wrote-pretty good! Your cards are adorable! Love the last one!

  12. these are super... I love the distressed inking

  13. Ohhhh so cute!! I love those heart stamps... and that sentiment is fabulous!

  14. Cute poem :) Your cards are wonderful! I love the U background.

  15. I liked your poem! The double slider card is awesome! I also liked both of your CAS cards, too cute.

  16. All are sweet and the chevron with hearts is a real show stopper. :)

  17. All wonderful cards. I especially love the slider one!

  18. Another great group of projects, Julie! Love the "U" background, and the blizzard sentiment is a favorite.

  19. Your poem was fab and I'm digging it almost as much as I'm digging those hearts! The {heart} U is my favorite of them all. TFS

  20. Well, not too tired to rhyme and make a trio of fab cards! Hope your week ahead is looking better.

  21. Beautiful cards Julie the kisses stamp is one of my favorite unity stamps. I made one for my daughter and she loved it

  22. Cute poem and great cards! I love that you used the snowflakes, kisses, blizzard sentiment for V day. Great idea!

  23. Wonderful projects. Great idea on the first card....I have not inked up that alphabet set yet. You have given me a reason to get inky!

  24. Awesome poem and projects!!! I am sooo loving that first card! Colors, design...yep! I love it all :)
