
Friday, March 8, 2013

Bonjour Mon Ami! Friends with Flair!

I like Friday for lots of reasons, but mostly because it's Friends With Flair over on the Unity blog.  Link up your Unity creations and join in the inspirational fun!  You'll be hooked!  I'm keeping this short as I have three posts going up today.  I suddenly feel like I spend as much time blogging as crafting.  Life has changed! 

Today's project comes with a story.  Many of you who read my blog know I work in the activity department of a nursing home.  This week, one afternoon, we took a figurative, "Trip to Paris".  I used my Cricut Expression 2, the "Summer In Paris" cartridge, & Unity stamps to make some table decorations for our party.  I spent Saturday morning cutting out Eiffel towers, embossing Eiffel towers, and stamping "Bonjour" sentiments.  Here's what our table decorations looked like for Wednesday's party:

I used the Sweet Lace background stamp from Market Street Stamps on the card, and the Unity Dec 2012 KOM for the Eiffel tower and the "bonjour" on both the card and the tower.  I made 6 of the towers to decorate up the room with cards on either side.  I wanted the tower on the card to really sparkle, so I embossed it with Donna Salazar Mix'd Media Inxz in pewter, then used Judi Kins psychedelic embossing powder over the top.  It is REALLY sparkly.

I hope you enjoy today's FWF entry.  If you have time, please scroll down to my other two posts, I'm proud of my projects in both of them and would love your sweet comments.

For everyone that participated in "Julie's Blogoversary Blog Hop" last weekend, thanks so much!  The prizes were mailed out yesterday.  So if you were a winner, happy mail is heading your way.  Thanks for visiting!  Au Revoir and merci boucoup!


  1. What great decorations!!!! Good job!

  2. You did and awesome Job! TFS!

  3. It is so hard to get the sparkly to show on camera but I can just imagine the bling you have going on : ) great card and love the idea about layering embossing powders ..

  4. what a lovely card Julie! Love the eiffel tower!

  5. How fantastic is this! Great job!

  6. Love this project. I'm going to Paris in July!!

  7. Went to look at all your posts & projects! You've been busy! Love your centerpieces! I won a gift card from Kary on your hop so thanks to you, too, for putting it all together!

  8. What a fabulous idea! I love your Eiffel tower and your cards are sweet.

  9. Bonjour . . . stunning projects they are!!

  10. This is awesome, Julie! It's so heartening to see you putting so much care into your nursing home work -- there needs to be more of you with that level of dedication!

  11. WOW! That's one fantastic looking Eiffel Tower! Love the sparkle you added!

  12. Bonjour!! This is amazing!! I'm in love with the Eiffel Tower you made Cant image how busy you must have been making them.

  13. Julie,
    This is awesome I love the 3D tower you made to go with the card

  14. Beautiful Paris design and table art. Wonderful for your party.

  15. You rocked with these! TFS. Have a great weekend.

  16. JUlie What a lovely thing to do. I am sure your guests adored all your efforts, Merci!

  17. Just Gorgeous, Julie!! Love the 3D Eiffel tower and the matching card. Your blogpost is always so fun to read. Happy weekend!!

  18. Bon Jour, Mon Amie! This card is tres jolie!
