
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A card and a winner! And maybe spring!

We had 5 inches of snow last night, but it got to 45 degrees today and melted quite a bit of it.  I'm hoping this was the LAST snow of the season.  No more snow until DECEMBER! We've had all we can handle here!
OK.  I got that out of my system.  I feel better.  Remember the baby blog hop that started Sunday, April 21, with the All That Stickles design team?  I promised to announce the winner of my blog candy on Wednesday, so I will.  But first, I have a card to show you.  I made it for a couple of challenges, including Crop Chocolate's weekly challenge.  This week's theme is to use ribbon and a button.  Here's the card I made:

I made it using this sketch from Sunday Sketch and Stamp --

As you can see, I followed it pretty closely.  I designed my own background paper (the monthly challenge on the Sweet Stamps blog) using the Unity stamp, "With her own Wings". The crocus stamp is a Flourishes "Year of Stamps" (January), and the sentiment is from the Unity April 2013 Kit of the Month. I used Echo Park cardstock throughout the card, a Theresa Collins Spring Fling button, and some silk ribbon that I won from May Arts. The crocus were dusted with a little Creative Inspirations paint in Fairy Dust to add some shimmer.

And now, I think I've told you enough about my card.  It's time to tell you the winner of my blog candy.  There will be a package with Stickles, a 6x6 paper pad, a stamp set, some bling, and some ribbon.  Now, let's see who gets it.

I used to choose the winner.  And it is RUTH!! 

Ruth said: "The gift card bag is so cute, with all the sparkly stickles on it. And, the treat boxes are great! Love it all!"  Thanks for the kind words, Ruth.  I'll be in touch and will get your goodies sent out to you.

Thanks to everyone who hopped!  There will be another hop with the All That Stickles design team the 3rd Sunday in May. is hosting some scrapbooking fun in honor National Scrapbooking Day. There will be 7 challenges from May 2-May 9, with prizes awarded on May 10. Come join in on the fun!

I'm entering this card in the following challenges:

Sweet Stamps monthly challenge -- make your own background paper -- sketch challenge
Ribbon Carousel's Showers and Flowers challenge
MarkerPop -- April Showers --springy
D.L. Art Thankful Thursday Linky party -- Anything Goes
Creative Inspirations Paint -- Spring Colors
Sister Act Card Challenge -- Anything Goes
Great Impressions Stamps -- Pastel Colors &/or Polka Dots

Thanks for stopping by, and again, congratulations to Ruth!


  1. Beautiful card, Julie!!! Congrats to Ruth!

  2. Super card Julie, great take on the sketch. Thanks for joining us this week @ Sunday Sketch & Stamp.
    Happy Crafting
    Carole xXx

  3. I love this card! Beautiful color!

  4. This is so sweet. I love the colors!!
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes April Linky Party
    DIANA L.

    Ps I just became a follower

  5. Beautiful card! (My Mom's favorite colors, too - I may just have to scraplift this one!) Also, what a wonderful surprise to hear that I've won! Thank you!!

  6. Thanks for playing along with our Pastel and Polka Dot April Challenge!

    A perfect spring card!

    ♥ Sue Kment

  7. Beautiful floral image, and such pretty coloring. Thanks so much for joining us for the CIP challenge, hope to see you again! :) hugs, Kimberly

  8. FAbulous!!! I love all things purple!!! LOL Thanks for joining us at MarkerPOP!
