
Friday, May 31, 2013

FWF- A Special Card for a Special Lady

It's Friday already!  This week went particularly fast, even though I had to work on Monday.  The end/beginning of each month is much busier with my job, but it does make the time go faster!

Those of you who regularly visit FWF and have been with me for awhile, do you remember this picture?

Two of my good friends and I took 3 of our Golden Retrievers on a 3 hour road trip to a fund raising walk for a Golden Retriever Rescue Organization that we are involved in.  That was last October.  Annie, the dog on the left, had bone cancer, needed her front leg removed, but walked the walk just fine.  Annie let nothing slow her down!  Not cancer, not blindness.  Not, that is, until her cancer returned.  Last Thursday, I got an email that had the header, "Sad news about Annie".  I started to cry before I even opened the email.  I told my husband, "I think Annie's gone.  I'm not going to open this."  Well, of course, she was gone whether I read the heart-breaking news or not.  Those of you who are dog lovers know.  Annie is the "only child" to Janelle and Tyler and she was their world.  In honor of Annie, and to show Janelle and Ty some of what I was feeling for them, I made this card.

The Golden Retriever Stamp is a Unity/Phyllis Harris stamp called, "More Blessed to Give".  It seemed appropriate, since Annie was all about giving.  As you can see in the picture, Annie's face was getting white, so I made the Golden on the card with a similar face. And, like most Goldens, Annie liked to have something in her mouth -- usually a tennis ball.  But a teddy bear would work, too.
I used Fancy Pants Park Bench 6x6 papers on this card.  The sentiment is from a Market Street Stamps set called, "Pawprints on our Hearts". I used 3 Girl JAM crinkle ribbon from the Celebrations bundle, woven together, and some Queen and Co. embellishments. The Golden, of course, is colored with Copic markers.
Here's a close up of the sentiment that fits Annie so well. 

And, a close up of the woven ribbon and embellishments.

I would love it if you would come back tomorrow.  I will have posts for All That Stickles, I'm participating in the Get Inky! Stamps first EVER blog hop celebrating National Repeat Day.  The hop starts tomorrow and goes through Sunday, and I'll have a post tomorrow for the launch of a new challenge blog, the Craft Lovin' Challenge Blog hosted by Tabitha's Designs and the My Crafting Channel.
I'm entering this card in the following challenges:
Simon Says Stamp blog -- anything goes
Sister Act Card Challnege -- anything goes
3 Girl JAM Challenge -- anything goes


  1. Ohmigawd---I can't stop crying! So sad, Julie, so sad! I'm soo sorry!

    Great card--love your card! Great stamp! Again, I'm so sorry! I knew something was up when I saw your card on CC--just knew!

  2. Oh Julie, it's so sad to read about Annie. I know how hard it is, cos my friend's dog, Sophie, is also with cancer,and there's nothing else that can be done :(
    Your card is Beautiful!! And the sentiment is so perfect! Great job on the colouring, and arrangement of the embellishments. Take care, and have a lovely weekend!! {hugs}

  3. Love the golden retriever stamps by Phyllis Harris. My daughter just had to say good bye to her beloved golden who was 15 years old. So hard.

  4. What a perfect card for your friend! You are so thoughtful. Did I ever tell you we had to have our Border Collie put down because of cancer the last weekend of April? He was only 9.

  5. this is so cute and sweet perfect card for a friend!

  6. Oh, your card is so beautiful and perfect for your friend. She will be so thankful to have such a lovely keepsake of Annie!

  7. WOW....what a touching story and your friend will treasure this card forever. I have two dogs that are approximately 11 years old....breaks my heart to think of losing them. Dogs are part of our families.

  8. Sigh .. That's just so sad :( Annie was such a beautiful Dog. The card is lovely Julie. I'm sure your friend will appreciate it

  9. So sorry for your friends loss. Your card is a perfect way to send loving thoughts her way.

  10. This is a wonderful card to honor Annie's memory. Our pets are so loyal. So sorry.

  11. Oh my... I have big tears welling up. I am a fellow dog lover . My Max and Ruby are the world to me. (male and female boxers) You card is gorgeous. I love it and must look and see if it is still available! Hugs...

  12. Oh Julie, I am having trouble typing as drops are falling from my eyes. I totally get your beautiful post and what you did for your friend.
    Our "girls" are getting old and crotchety but they make every day a little brighter. Hugs to you from an Aussie dog lover!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is so sweet. Beautiful card great colors and so true. I love it.
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes May Linky Party
    DIANA L.

  15. Oh your dear heart goes out. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend's beloved family member. I'm sure she will feel warmed and uplifted by your card in her time of sadness and loss.

  16. Sorry for the loss, great card and great papers can't wait to get mine

  17. SO sorry for your friend's loss. The card you made is so lovely.

  18. Great card! Sorry for your friend's loss. Such a sweet image! Thanks for joining us for the Smon Says Stamp Challenge!

  19. That is just so sad, she is sure to appreciate such a nice card for such a sad time. Carri~Abusybee

  20. Julie, your card is so beautiful and I'm sure your friend will really appreciate it. I wanted to comment before, but I'm afraid this post hit too close to home, as two of my friends just lost dogs to cancer in the past two weeks. Sadly, both of the beautiful girls ( a Saluki, and a Saint), were still young, under five years old. I wish I had a gorgeous stamp like that to do doggie sympathy cards. Your card is really perfect. So sorry for your friend and all who knew and loved her dog.

  21. Oh, Julie - I'm so sorry to hear about Annie and so sorry for your friend's loss. Your card is so sweet & touching - I'm sure she really loved it.

  22. Very nice card Julie. I really like the chevron mixed with the floral print. I'm sorry for your friend's loss.

    Cheri - 3GJ DT Sister

  23. Julie, what a LOVELY card with the perfect quote for your friends.
    So sorry for the loss.

  24. OMG, this is a wonderful card! I love the image, the saying and your dp. I love dogs, too. So sorry to hear about your friend's loss. I consider my dog one of my children, too (I also have the two legged variety).
    Thanks for joining us at SACC!

  25. Oh my. What a sad story!! You created a beautiful card in memory of Annie. I'm sure she's in a better place running like the wind. TFS!!

  26. Oh how sad, Julie. I still remember how sad it was when we had to put our last dog down several years ago. She was a mixed breed, but she looked like she had a little golden in her. The shelter had found her and her siblings abandoned in a field, so they weren't sure what she was. We had her for 15 years. About a year after she was gone, my middle daughter wanted another dog, but dh said no way. I thought it was because of the fur, the messes in the yard, etc. One day I heard him tell our neighbors that he didn't want to get so attached to something, only to have it die and break you heart. Our dd got her husky pup and I thought dh was going to kick her out of the house (she was 23), but he didn't. He actually holds her rawhide now when she brings it to him :) I bet your friends really loved your card, especially because it was straight from your heart!
