
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

True Confession Time - I don't like Glitter!

It's Wednesday!  I can see the weekend from here! And for most of you, this is probably a short work week besides.
I have a post up over at Get Inky Stamps today.  The current Get Inky challenge is glitter, and you can link up here.  But, fact is, I don't really like glitter.  Not at all.  I make a mess of it and get it EVERYWHERE.  From one end of the house to the other messy.  So, I used Stickles on my project instead.  Stickles are my friend.  They come to my rescue again and again. Hmm.  That was almost poetic! I'll have to work on that and write another couple lines, LOL.
So, back to the project! Here's my glitter card:
I used a Get Inky! digi stamp (sailboat) and paper pieced it, running it through my printer on different patterned papers 3 times.  I had never paper pieced a digi before, but it was easy to do.  Then, I fussy cut out each piece, got a corresponding Stickles color (True Blue, Christmas Red, and Icicle), spritzed a little water on my craft sheet, picked up a paint brush, and painted on the Stickles glitter glue.  Yeah, that's my kind of glitter.  Once the glue dried, I glued the paper pieces together, and cut out the background with a Spellbinder die. The sentiment is another Get Inky Stamp.  This one is from the Sew Sweet Cupcakes stamp set. 
I used Fancy Pants Down By The Shore 6x6 papers, several Spellbinders dies, 3 Girl JAM ribbon (this is some of the new gorgeous NAVY bundle),  and a decorative stick pin from Close To My Heart.


  1. VERY nice Julie!! I am not a huge fan of glitter myself, it seems to get me into trouble (like sending my teen sons off to school with a glittered shoulder--he was not a happy camper that day!) I try to contain it, though....Stickles are sooo much easier to work with! :)

  2. I, on the other hand love glitter. It's like my world (including me and the dog)is covered in fairy dust. Shimmery sparkles everywhere! I have learned that glitter and fans are perhaps not the best combination. I also love Stickles,as I can manage to get them everywhere as well. I always put my fingers in wet stickles, I usually always manage to put something on top of the project with wet stickles. Maybe I should just avoid anything shiny. Yeah, like that's going to happen. OOOO SHINY !
    Love your card! That pieced sailboat is fabulous!

  3. The creator of Stickles was a genius!! I love your sailboat! When I first looked at it I thought you had a tealight behind because it looks like there is light shining through it! Very cool effect!

    Precious Hugs

  4. Very cool card! I don't get along with glitter very well, either!
