
Friday, June 7, 2013

Hawg Heaven for FWF

It's Tuesday evening and I'm writing my FWF post, scheduling it to go live Friday at midnight.  I'm leaving early Wednesday morning, heading across the state with my 3 Goldens, going on a road trip to see my BFF.  I hope to use her computer Friday morning to link up my FWF post before I head back home on Friday.

My husband bought a new Harley yesterday.  This is his second one.  I must ask, when do you have enough Harley's?  He went through a mid-life crisis at 45, got his motorcycle license, bought a motorcycle, and shortly traded up to a Harley, then a bigger Harley.  I thought we were done.  Silly me.  They built the bike of his dreams this year.  But he couldn't trade his other Harley.  IT'S his baby.  Well, if any of you have men with big toys, I'm guessing you can relate to this story.  And, you may be wondering why I'm sharing it and where I'm going with it.  His boss gave him the afternoon off yesterday so he could go buy his new bike, then RIDE it for the rest of the afternoon.  It was the first sunny, relatively warm day we've had in weeks, so he treasured every moment of it, riding his NEW dream bike.  The last bike he'll ever need.  Until the next dream bike comes along.

So, this evening, in the midst of packing, I whipped together a thank you card for his boss -- also a motorcycle rider.  And, here it is:

I used the Unity set called "Hawg" to stamp the bike.  The "thanks" sentiment is a Close To My Heart set.  I used Basic Grey PBJ 12x12 papers for the card.  The sky blue base of the card is CTMH. I stamped using CTMH Pacifica ink. Lifestyle Crafts circle cutters were used.

And, it's time to get back to packing! Those dogs need food while we're gone.


  1. OK_-I must say--"COOOLLL!!! What a great card!!! Your hubby sounds like he has a pretty cool boss too! Yep, men with their toys--my hubby's toys are his exercise equipment--geez!

    Have a FABULOUS weekend, Julie!!!

  2. Very nice Thank you card -love the HAWG!

  3. this card remines me saying bron to ride lol.

  4. Your hubby has a fantastic boss what a great thing to do!!
    Loved reading your post tonight and your card is fab.
    Hope you both have a great weekend

  5. What a FABULOUS card and a FUN story to go with it!

  6. Hi Julie! I'm sure you are having a fabulous time with your BFF! Your card looks so cool!! Love the bike on it:) Any chance I could get a ride on a Harley someday? It's a bucket list of mine...LOL. Take care, and have a wonderful weekend!!

  7. Nice! Great guy card. Hope you're having a fab time!

  8. Love the card! Hope you had a GREAT time with your BFF

  9. What an awesome card! Love the hog

  10. Another fun card, my beautiful friend! xoxo

  11. Rockin' card, Julie! Congrats to your hubby on his new toy - what a cool boss he has, too! Hope your road trip is going well and hey, you know... if your hubby gets to buy a new bike, it's only fair that YOU get to buy something big that you've been coveting... if you need help for any ideas, let me know! :P

  12. Awesome dude card! Glad your hubby had warm weather to enjoy riding his new toy! My DH doesn't have a motorcycle but he does have an ultralight airplane he built himself, that's his baby. So yes, I can totally relate to your story!!

  13. Love that background paper, such a fab design!

  14. Great card hope he knows how lucky he is to have you

  15. Very appropriate card for your hubby, Julie!

  16. Awesome card!! We miss our motorcycle terribly but with the kiddos we didn't get enough travel time.. Enjoy!

  17. Hope you are having a great time! Love your card and your post! Fun DH has his '70 Mustang and his antique tractors!

  18. husbands.... they never grow up! love this card

  19. Wow. A new moto. Men are always kids. The only thing that changes is the toys.

  20. Card is GREAT! I love the story that went with it! I am terrified of motorcycles now after my friend had her accident. I was planning to get one and then after that, decided I would just keep mountain biking, and letting that be my big thrill.

    Also, hope you had a great time with your goldens and BFF.

  21. Yep, his boss sounds like a kindred spirit! And am I ever glad that my hubby hasn't decided to collect BIG toys....yet.... :D Awesome card, and a really cool reason to thank the guy :)

  22. Great card Love the Harley.
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes June Linky Party
    DIANA L.
