
Thursday, July 11, 2013

So Many Thanks!

Many of you know I work in a nursing home.  Sometimes, I care for the same residents for many years.  I can get very close to them and their families.  Losing them is hard, and losing the connections with their families can be hard, too.
Recently, 2 former family members gifted me with a fantastic remembrance of their parents (both died at our facility, but lived there for several years together).  These 2 sister-in-laws are quilters.  They made me a queen size quilt for my bed, using my favorite colors, and even incorporating in two of my favorite Bible verses.  Yes, strong bonds truly are formed through the years.
In return for this overwhelming gift, I wanted to make two very special thank you cards, with a quilt theme to them.  I broke out four of my favorite things and started crafting.
  1. 3 Girl JAM ribbon
  2. Silhouette Cameo
  3. Unity Stamps
  4. Pinque Peacock stick pins 
Here are the two similar, but not identical cards I made:

The ribbon is 3 Girl JAM ribbon from the Spooky Bundle.
The file I used is from the Silhouette Store. It is called a wedding ring card by Lori Whitlock.  I love her designs.  The papers are by Echo Park This & That Graceful 12x12's. The bases are Close To My Heart champagne cardstock.  The sentiment is from the Unity stamp set, Happy Everything.  And those two gorgeous stick pins? Those are from my friend, Jessica, at Pinque Peacock.
I had a great time putting my heart into these cards, knowing these two ladies had put their hearts into the quilt they made for me.  I will treasure it always!
Don't forget about the shaped card challenge currently going on at the 3 Girl JAM challenge blog!
I'm entering this card in the following challenges:
D.L. Art Thankful Thursday -- Anything Goes
Sister Act Card Challenge -- Anything Goes
MarkerPop Challenge -- Anything Goes
Oozak Challenge -- Anything Goes with a Girlie Theme
SPARK challenge -- Anything Goes
Simon Says Stamp -- Pin It!
Simon Says Stamp and Show -- A Little Stamping


  1. Oh wow Julie, this is such a special thank you card, knowing the wonderful sentiment behind it. You are such a special person caring for people in need.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. My experiences with nursing homes haven't been great. My grandfather was in a home where the care was kind of sporadic, and my mom is currently in one, although not as a resident, she's having physical therapy for a knee replacement. We're having the same sort of issues there. So I can only guess that you are one of the fabulous caregivers that I have seen at these homes who go above and beyond to really have a relationship with your patients. How wonderful that they showed their appreciation to you with such a meaningful gift! Now you have confirmation that you make a difference. Your card is so appropriate too and I'm sure they loved receiving it.

  3. That is truly a blessing. So sweet of them.

  4. Wow, a queen sized quilt! You must really be wonderful with the people you care for! Then again, I would have guessed that anyway! I already knew that you are a special person. You made lovely cards, and being a quilter myself, I'm sure the ladies will adore those wonderful cards.

  5. Ooh, lovely! Thanks for sharing at Sister Act Card Challenge.

  6. Beautiful design! I love thecolors beautiful ribbon (goblin green, my favorite)
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes July Linky Party
    DIANA L.

  7. Julie, your cards are amazing!! I bet they loved them!!

  8. Gorgeous cards Julie :-) I am sure they will love them :-)

    What a beautiful gift they made for you !! something to treasure and remember them :-)

    thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Challenge
    Lols x x x

  9. Julie, these are beautiful cards, which the ladies will love and treasure. Gifts from the heart, they are. I'm sure they felt your love and kindness for their parents, and they wanted to bless you too. It's not easy to care for the aged, but I feel it's a good thing to give them as much dignity and love in their sunset years. God bless your heart, Julie! Take care. {hugs}

  10. takes such a special person to work with the elderly; especially in a nursing facility at the end of their lives. You sound like just that type of person; caring and compassionate. Thank God for good people like you!!! Your blog post touched me so much. What a thoughtful and loving gift that the family gave to you...a handmade quilt! What a treasure. Your thank you cards to them are gorgeous and so appropriate to honor the gift that they gave you! I love the quit die cut design. I love the ribbon gathered across the bottom with the stick pin embellishment. What a darling idea and I am sure that they will LOVE your cards! Thanks for sharing your story and cards with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy

  11. This is just truly a beautiful card Julie! I am hoping, wishing and saving money up for a Cameo :)

  12. That is just beautiful. Loved reading your post too. I am trying to get our Women's Ministry group at church to start doing more with the nursing homes because it breaks my heart to know that some residents don't get visitors. God bless you for all you do in becoming part of their family.

  13. Julie, what a perfectly lovely reason to get to make a thank you card! I think it is wonderful that you choose to care so deeply for your charges, and form those precious bonds. To have family members recognize your care in that way must have been very touching. Keep smiling!

  14. Oh, Julie, your cards are amazing! I didn't realize you worked in a care facility but from blogging, I know what a caring person you truly are.

  15. Julie, these are beautiful cards! I'm sure that the quilt is so beautiful too and made with love. What a special thank you gift, for you and from you :)

  16. What a wonderful gift the family has blessed you with! I am so happy for the memory you will always have of them! Your cards for them are perfect and I love the designs!

  17. WOW!! So beautiful and so impressive. What a perfect thank you card for a quilt.

  18. I personally know what it is like to make those special connections with wonderful caregivers in a facility. You were such a needed lifeline. Every time you use that quilt, remember that it is a hug. Beautiful card, Julie!

  19. What a beautiful gift for such a wonderful person! Your work is hard emotionally and physically and to have someone reach out and show their appreciation like that...well, that is truly an amazing gesture. The thank you card that you made is perfect and I am sure that they will treasure it. I completely lost it when I saw that angel pin...such an awesome touch! This card is magnificent, Julie!

  20. that is so absolutely touching! it is a beautiful statement for the families to give you a wonderful gift, and they will appreciate your thoughtful cards!
    -Rachel w k

  21. The quilt cards are beautiful!

  22. Hi Julie! I chuckled when I saw your guess about my big news! Good guess, but not quite :) You'll have to stop by to see my news.

    This card is FABULOUS! I LOVE the quilted look and the colors are AWESOME! GREAT work!

  23. See, I KNEW you were an amazing person! How wonderful that family members appreciate your loving touch - and such beautiful thank you cards you have created!

  24. Those cards look cozy enough to snuggle with :) What a kind thing for them to do for you. I know what it's like to get attached to patients. I used to drive dialysis patients to and from their appointments and I became VERY close to a few. Even though I was told not just can't help it. I was told these people don't have long to live. Cheers to you for establishing great relationships. I STILL think it's important.

  25. Very pretty card! I love the circle quilt design! Thanks so much for joining us over at the Simon Says Stamp Challenge Blog!
