
Friday, June 20, 2014

Belated Father's Day for Friends With Flair

Looking for the Patriotic Firefly for My Scrap Chick?  Please click HERE!
Hello, and happy, happy Friday! With only a 20% chance of rain today, it's a very happy Friday!
Our neighborhood is flooded from so much rain.  We usually have 3 inches for the month of June.  So far this month, we've had over 20 inches.  I live across the road from a lake and it has spilled it's banks.  Some basements are flooded, other homes are flooded.  Directly across from us are some condos.  For over a week now, 2 of the units have had water running in from the lake, through the house, out the garage, down the driveway, and into a culvert.  It's so sad!  Then, several nights ago we had some very strong winds.  Trees that having been sitting in water for several weeks now, with very wet root systems, toppled over easily.  One landed on the roof of the same flooded condo.  The next night, another fell on the garage and car.  Talk about bad luck!
We, fortunately, are dry so far.  Every spare minute we have, we're re-arranging the basement, buying totes, and elevating what we can, just in case.  And, that's where my craft room is.  Waaah!  But so far, so good!
But hey, it's Friends With Flair, and I really do have a card to share with you.  My husband and I don't have children, so our 2 pampered dogs get treated rather well.  On Father's Day, I often give my husband a card to thank him for the great care and love he gives our two pooches.  Here's this year's card:
It uses the Unity Stamp Company stamp set, "Puppy Ruff." I colored the image with Copic markers, making it the color of my two Golden Retrievers.  I used some paw print washi tape, and layered up some matching card stock -- a very simple card.
My husband and I both had some days off this week.  We traveled 2 hours north to the city of Duluth.  It's on Lake Superior.  The lake often makes for a late spring there.  These pictures were taken Tuesday, June 18:
This is a honey bee -- you hardly ever see them anymore.  I was so excited! (Can you see the pollen on his feet?)

A tiger swallowtail butterfly

the honey bee in flight 

Daffodils -- blooming in June(?)

The tulips were so pretty!

The lilacs were just starting to bloom

Ah yes, we were at the lake! Here's Lake Superior, and a gull

The two of us, with the Duluth harbor behind us

I had no idea this would be such a long post.  If you made it to the end, THANK YOU! Have a great weekend.  Leave a comment and I will visit your blog!


  1. Cute, cute, cute! I love that doggy! Great pictures of nature too. Love the one of you two in front of the lake. xx

  2. Very cute card and I like your photos too.

  3. Great card and I hope you stay dry. Love your photos too!

  4. Adorable card.and great colors!

  5. So cute! Love that image and the dog print washi. Looks like a great little trip too!

  6. Sweet pup, Julie! Great photos, also.

  7. Goodness, lots going on in your world! Love the pics and the sweet puppy card.

  8. Darling puppy card. And those nature photos are just wonderful.

  9. Love this card Julie! I love this stamp too :)

  10. Very sweet card; your photography is beautiful!

  11. When you come to sit in my chairs, be sure to bring your dogs, and we'll swap stories of the antics our fur-babies!
    Your card is adorable! My DH would love it (with a slight colour change, to white&orange, naturally). That washi tape is awesome. I gotta get me some of that ! I like the colours and the simple design of the card. It really lets the focal image be the centrepiece!
    Glad to hear that you are still dry. The thought of water in a scrappers craft room is enough to cause nightmares! So sorry for your neighbours though!
    Your photos are gorgeous! I love the swallowtail and can't wait to see them this year.

  12. What a fabulous picture of you and your hubby - so sweet! Glad to hear everything is going okay with you, although the weather situation sounds pretty awful (send your rain our way, we Californians desperately need it!!!). I hope you and your house stay dry! Love the puppy card (OMG, I need to get some of that adorable paw print washi tape!!!) of course I loved all the insect pictures! Thank you for sharing your pictures! :)

  13. Precious card and fabulous photos, Julie!

  14. I hope the rain has subsided where you are. We have had a really wet winter this year. I don't like the wet weather but the farmers need it, so I guess at least it has its benefits. Your card is so very cute!! Love the dog and the washi tape. Thanks for sharing those lovely photos too - a little peek into your world. Take care and keep well!

  15. What wonderful photos, Julie! I don't think I've ever seen a honey bee with pollen attached like that photo cool. Glad you had some "honey" time and boy, I'm sad to read your neighborhood is suffering so much from the rains. I hope you've gotten some dryer weather and sunny skies since Friday.
    As for your card...LOVE, love, love it! Super coloring and the paw print tape really makes your design stand out! Great job friend...have a happy Sunday!
