
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Card in a Box -- for Pinque Peacock

It's Friday! And a very special one for me.  This is my last day of full-time work.  I'm starting 3 weeks of vacation.  When I go back to work, it will be part-time.  After working 45-50 hour weeks the last 30 years of my life, I still can't believe that I'll be working 3 days a week.  I hope the plan works!
I'm posting today on the Pinque Peacock blog.  I have a delightful card in a box that was on my blog yesterday.  It's so cute, I'm showing it again today.
These card in a boxes are so popular right now, that I just had to try it.  This one is a file from The Cutting Cafe. And, it was very fun to make.

I have several views of the box.  Here's a straight on shot of it:

I made this card for my BFF.  We're both big dog lovers, so I used some Unity stamps that had a dog theme to them.

What makes this card-in-a-box different from others, though, is the Pinque Peacock 3/4 inch yellow fabric covered button.

I attached the fabric covered button  to the middle of a flower.  It matched the yellow of the DCWV paper perfectly, and added that extra little something. Beautiful!
This was my fist card-in-a-box, but it certainly won't be my last.  I loved creating this with my Silhouette.


  1. I love this card in a box Julie. I haven't tried one yet but now you have inspired me to try one!!

  2. This is fabulous! These cards in the box seem so intimidating! I lvoe the colors, fantastic job!

  3. It's fantastic what you've created!!! Congratulations on your new work schedule...enjoy your extra time to craft :)

  4. AWESOME!!! I Love these boxes... you have a great vacation Ms. Julie :D

  5. I love your box card.. these cards are my new favs... love all the goodies you used..
    Laura D.

  6. I love the colors, this turned out great :)

  7. This card is awesome! Enjoy your vacation and congratulations on going part time. You will have much more time for crafting and relaxing.

  8. Awesome idea, love it and how you used the PP button! Have a great vacation and hope the part time works out!!

  9. Julie, this is so adorable!! Love it! Great colors, too!
    D & I are moving DD1 from TX to Idaho! Hope you have a great vacation! Looking forward to seeing more of your creations when you have more free time! ;)

  10. Julie, firstly I have to say I LOVE the name of your blog! I'm a dog (and cat!) lover too. This card is fabulous! I love the heart with the paw! Nicely done. Your BFF will love this!

  11. LOVE this!!! The colors are SO pretty together and the patterns are awesome! Great job
