
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Christmas and Winners!

I've been participating in the DigiStamps4Joy progressive
 Christmas Challenge ever since I made the design team early in 2014.  Each month, if I make a card with the current month's digi, I get sent the next month's digi for free.  Good deal! And fun!
Here's this month's card:

I colored the image with Copic markers and paper pieced their hats.  Plus, I added some Stickles glitter glue to them.  The Christmas design papers are from Echo Park -- Christmas This & That.  The sentiment is from Close To My Heart.
Did you participate in the DigiStamps4Joy Celebration Blog Hop?  Prizes were promised, and today is the day I'm announcing the winners of the ones from my blog.
First, the winner of the Celebration Cake digi:
I used and entered all the comments from the blog hop.  It chose comment #15......
Angela B!  Angela says:  I just love your card! I'm hopping along the blog hop! Woot!
Congratulations, Angela, you win the free digi!  Contact me and I'll send it to you!

Now, for the winner of the $10 gift certificate for the DigiStamps4Joy Store.  Again, using --
is Olga Bester!     Olga Says:
 Ooh lovely. Great way of using the ribbon!

Hugs from Africa
Congratulations, Olga! Contact me with your email address and I'll get your gift certificate sent to you, or email Margy directly at
Both Angela B and Olga, you can contact me at julieodil at charter dot net.
Thanks to everyone that made the Celebration Hop such a success. Don't forget the Celebration challenge that is going on this whole month!  And, check the DigiStamps4Joy blog for other surprises this month!
I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:
Decosses Dynamite Doodles -- 12 Months of Christmas Card link up
Sister Act Card Challenge -- ATG
D.L. Art Thankful Thursday -- Sept Linky Party
Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Challenge -- ATG as long as it's Christmas


  1. Oh thank you so much!! Congrats to all the winners!

  2. I love your Christmas card with the paper pieced owls!

  3. Julie this is just so wonderfully coloured and designed. Your paper piecing is awesome on their hats. Thank you for taking the time to use this month’s free Christmas image. You have automatically qualified to receive next month’s Christmas image for free, which will be emailed to you at the beginning of October.
    {Digistamps4Joy Christmas Challenge Co-ordinator}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  4. Love the paper pieced hats. Thanks for joining in the challenge at CHNC Extra for September.
