
Monday, September 22, 2014

Tea Time -- for Eureka Stamps

It's Monday, and time for a new challenge at Eureka Stamps.  This week, our theme is Vintage.  Vintage is not always easy for me.  I thought tea cups and tea pots must certainly qualify!

This card uses 3 different Eureka Stamps digis: Tea maker (digi14501), Teapot (digi11401), and Tea cup (digi9701)
I used a Spellbinder label die to cut out the Tea maker poem, then inked it with a couple shades of Tim Holtz distress inks.  I also used 2 Spellbinders doily dies behind the tea pot and tea cup.  The tea set is colored with Copic markers.
Designer Papers are from My Mind's Eye. Half pearls are from my stash.
Check out the Eureka Stamps challenge blog for more great Vintage inspiration, then join in our challenge!
I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges: