
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Lessons I've Learned -- World Card Making Day

This is World Card Making Day.  I'm participating as part of Timeless Twine.  There's other great inspiration on the Timeless Twine blog today you'll want to check out.  This month is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Like many of my cards, there is a story.  I haven't lost anyone real close to me to breast cancer, but I did lose my mother to a malignant brain tumor when she was 73.  I was thinking of her the whole time I made this card:

I learned many things in the 18 months my mother lived and died with her cancer diagnosis, and this sentiment pretty much sums it up.  I had to let go of many things.  I said good-by to her in many ways, many, many times.  But I never loved her any less.  I just lost her bit by bit to a horrible disease.  So, this card is for my mother, and all the many other people I know who have been affected by cancer.
The butterfly and sentiment are a Stamp of the Week from Unity Stamp Company.  I heat embossed the butterfly and used Perfect Pearls and water on it. The papers are from Close To My Heart.
The beautiful Timeless Twine is Bubblegum Pink, and it's on sale for breast cancer awareness month.
The Twine-istas are having a blog hop on Tuesday, and it all starts on the Timeless Twine blog.  Come join in the fun, inspiration, and prizes!
I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
Operation Write Home -- World Card Making Day -- Love
D.L. Art -- October Linky Challenge
Crafty Catz -- All Sentimental


  1. What a pretty card! I love it! Thank you for your sharing your story with us! xoxo

  2. Such a lovely, meaningful card, Julie. Heartfelt thanks for sharing your story. It makes your card so very special! Warm hugs on WCMD! ♡

  3. A beautiful and heartfelt card, Julie!

  4. You will never know how meaningful your words have been, my friend. xx Beautiful card.

  5. My daughter died of a cancer at 32..... this card would be the perfect sympathy card..... I love it. Thank you for supporting OWH!!!

  6. Thank you for caring, for I am a FOUR-time survivor! Peace...

  7. What a pretty card... and such a wonderful tribute to your mom.

  8. What a beautiful tribute to your mom. Your card is gorgeous!

  9. Beautiful, beautiful...the thought behind this sentiment is heart wrenching for so many people who have had to let go to a loved one because of such a terrible disease. Thanks for your tribute and for the reminder how to follow the journey.

  10. Such a fabulous sentiment. Great card design. Thank you for joining us over at Crafty Catz. Hugs Nina

  11. Very pretty card. Thanks for joining us at Crafty Catz this week. Cindy-DT
