
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Poinsettia Swag Bag for IDCB

It's Wednesday, and time for a new challenge at Inspiration Destination Challenge Blog (IDCB).  Again this week, our theme is "anything goes", so jump on in and join us!
I was lucky enough to be able to use an image by Beccy Muir of Beccy's Place.
If you follow my blog at all, you know I'm on a quest to get 6 gift bags made for a party on Friday.  Here's another of them:

I used the Poinsettia Swag image and colored it with Copic markers.  It was so much fun to shade this one!

After I got done with my coloring, I used a Spellbinders label die in 2 different sizes to mount my image to my gift bag.  I then tied some ribbons from Really Reasonable Ribbon to the handles of the bag. 
A big thanks to Beccy's Place for sponsoring this week's challenge!
Come join us a IDCB -- remember, anything goes!
I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
613 Avenue Creates -- Show us you Christmas Packaging 

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