
Monday, January 26, 2015

I Ruff You

The plans I had made for today were cancelled due to snow and freezing drizzle so I have an unexpected day of crating time.  I'm using it to practice my coloring and enter a couple challenges.  This little cutie, from Gerda Steiner, is part of a progressive challenge.  You buy the first image, then enter the challenge, and the next month is free!   I love her whimsical images, so, here goes!
Meet Oscar!
I have a friend with a weiner dog named Oscar.  He's a long-haired Dachshund.  If you squint your eyes just right, he looks kind of like this.  Kinda.
The original Gerda Steiner digi stamp, Dachshund in Love,looks like this.
I used just the dog portion, colored it with Copi markers, then mounted it on a card front.  The Valentine Window Card Top cutting file is from The Cutting Cafe. I stamped the word "ruff" using a retired Close To My Heart stamp set.  All card stock is also from Close To My Heart. To connect the heart, I used a bit of Aqua Blue Timeless Twine.  I {heart} that color!
That's it!  Off to do some more coloring!
I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
Gerda Steiner Jan. Challenge -- Dachshund in Love
Creative Cutting Edge -- Valentine 


  1. ackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk that is to stinkin that doggie

  2. Soooo cute! I have a long-haired doxie, too! I guess I need to get that digi! Great card, Julie!

  3. Could that little dog be ANY cuter?! HAHAHA Great job on the coloring there your technique.

  4. -<3 the weenier dog. Just too cute. Thanks for sharing with us at Heart 2 Heart.

  5. So cute. Although I am partial to Dachshunds as I have two of my own.
    My personal Blog - Taylormadecards4u

  6. Adorable, but then again I am a softy for the fur babies! Thanks for playing along with H2H!

    Brandi R.
    H2H DT member

  7. Oscar is so cute. Love how you incorporated the balloon into the sentiment. Thanks for joining Gerda's January Challenge.

  8. Nice work coloring the dog. And I love the name of your blog. Thanks for showing us how at Heart 2 Heart Challenges.

  9. Awesomely cute card! Thanks for joining us at Creative Cutting Challenge!!
    DT Leader

  10. This is adorable! Thanks for sharing with us at H2H!
