
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Chocolate is Good for You -- for The Cutting Cafe

It's the 7th of the month.  That means it's time for some inspiration from the incredibly talented team at The Cutting Cafe.  This team rocks!  
This time, our assignment was to make a vending machine.  Why have gumballs when you can have chocolate?

I filled the vending machine with raspberry covered chocolates because they are my favorites.  Evidently, my dog thinks they are quite tasty, too.  I left the machine within her reach just long enough to get my camera.  When I came back, she had nibbled the lid and tipped the whole machine over.  Chocolate was scattered everywhere!  Fortunately, she knows what "leave it!" means, and she left it alone while I cleaned up the mess.
 The papers for this vending machine are from October Afternoon.  I thought it needed a nostalgic feel.  The sentiment is from Close To My Heart. The acetate is from Papertrey Ink.  The crinkle ribbon is one of the new colors from 3 Girl JAM, coming soon to the store.
Make sure to check out the other vending machines today on the Cutting Cafe blog.  You won't be disappointed!  Leave a comment while you are there, and you could win 3 sets for yourself! 


  1. that almost looks like black jelly beans in there....which is my the colors of this machine....that totally don't match but are so perfect it....hugs

  2. So cute! I am impressed that your dog listened! Mine doesn't listen at ALL! Lol.

  3. Oooh yes, chocolate is good for me!! :) hehe. Love it! Your dog loves chocs too.

  4. Gum vs. Chocolate...chocolate wins every time! Your candies look great with the papers you chose here, Julie. Such a fun and SWEET project. Love it!!

  5. love the papers and love how yours turned out!

  6. LOVE the idea of Chocolate instead of gumballs!!! AWESOME Project! :)

    Scrappers Anonymous
