
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Follow Your Dream -- for DigiStamps4Joy

There are new releases today at DigiStamps4Joy!  I'm always excited to see what's new in the shop -- the talented artists there are creatively coming up with new ideas all the time.  Today's releases are great fun!  

I used the new release, "Spotlight" and merged it with "Ballerina." I colored both images with Copic markers. 

I made the card using Lifestyle Crafts circle dies, Close To My Heart card stock, and My Mind's Eye designer papers.  The silver sequins and sentiment are from Close To My Heart. 

Check out the DigiStamps4Joy blog today to see the other fantastic new releases and creations with them from the talented design team. 

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
D.L. Art -- September Linky Party
613 Avenue Create-- CYOC -- shaped, encouragement, sequins
Allsorts Challenge -- lots of layers
Art by Miran Challenge -- ATG


  1. This is so sweet. I love your coloring what a pretty card.
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes SEPTEMBER Linky Challenge. Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.


  2. A super bright and cheery creation for our theme this week Julie, many thanks for joining in at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  3. Love the way you have merged the two images, perfect.
    Thank you for joining in this weeks Allsorts challenge.

    Kath x

  4. Lovely image and colouring.
    Fab card!
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts, welcome again;-))m

  5. This card tell a story. It is so pretty. I love how real the spotlight looks. THANK YOU FOR PLAYING THE DL.ART THANKFUL THURSDAY SEPTEMBER LINKY CHALLENGE

  6. gorgeous scene - love the sentiment. Thanks for joining us for our 'Anything Goes' challenge #40.
    Alicia (Art by Miran DT)
    MaxiBelle Studio
