
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Be Zombified! for Lacy Sunshine

Hello, and Happy Sunday!  We're edging ever closer to Halloween. I'm not a huge Halloween fan, but I do like the cute, kids in costumes, let's go trick-or-treating side of the holiday.  Today, I am posting on the Lacy Sunshine blog, and I have a tutorial on how to color zombie skin.  Follow along below, if you're interested!

This image, from Lacy Sunshine, is Be Zombified! from the Rory Be Happy Coloring Book, available at

Zombie skin.  I've never seen a zombie.  I don't watch any zombie shows (not even The Walking Dead), so really, who's to say what a zombie looks like.  This gives the artist pure artistic license, so have it, right?!?

My interpretation of a zombie, that also has to remain cute, because she is, after all, a Lacy Sunshine digi, is this:

Skin: Copic markers colors V000, V01, G000, G00, BV000

Eyes: BG000, B12, B14
lips: R21, R22

Hair: E50, Y21, YR24

Wrappings: E30, E33, E35

Clothing: V12, V15, V17
YR00, Yr02, YR07, E15, E18

Papers for this card are from Close To My Heart.  I distressed the edges to add to the zombie effect.

There's an anything goes challenge happening on the Lacy Sunshine blog, so come join the fun!  I have 2 Facebook groups for you to check out, too.  There's the Lacy Sunshine Color N Craft Community and the Coloring Without Boundaries Facebook Group.   Both are wonderful, supportive communities to show your work, get inspired, and hear of sales and news. 

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
D.L. Art -- September linky party
Not Just Cards -- ATG
Sunny Day Challenge -- ATG


  1. Great Halloween card! Thanks for linking up at Sunny Day Crafting.
    ~DT Janis

  2. Super job Julie, your little Zombie is so cute
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes September Linky Challenge. Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.

    DL.ART crinkle ribbon

  3. Love this, she looks awesome!

    Thank you for sharing with us at Inspiration Destination this week
    Hugs Shell xx
