
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Does My Butt Look Big? for Oddball Art Stamps New Release

Woohoo!  It's New Release day at Oddball Art Stamps!  As always, there are some fantastic new releases available today.  Many of them have a Halloween theme to them, but not all.  Some of them, like the one I'm showcasing today, can be used a variety of ways.  today, I introduce image #332, The Jones:

I had a bunch of different sentiments bouncing around in my head as I created this, but eventually settled on this one.  Little Jone's seems worried, somehow.

I colored Image #332, The Jones, with Copic markers.  The frames were cut out with a Lawn Fawn frame die.  The designer papers are from MHK Designs.  The sentiment was computer generated and cut out using a Spellbinders die.

Make sure to check out the Oddball Art blog today to see the other great New Releases.  When it's time to do some shopping, use discount code DTJULIE10 to get 10% off of anything in the Oddball Art Etsy Store!

Join us again tomorrow on the Oddball Challenge blog for a little mid-challenge inspiration.  There's still plenty of time to link up with our 'Going in Circles' theme. 

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
Outlawz Twisted Thursday -- Twist is Think Pink
Critters & Creatures Linky Party -- ATG as long as it's a critter
DL Art -- September linky party

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