
Friday, July 7, 2017

Dear Friend -- for QKR Stampede

It's Friday, and time for a new challenge at QKR Stampede challenge blog.  I'm traveling across the state to a friend's house today, and this card is making the trip with me, along with a hostess gift.  It works great for the Anything Goes challenge this week at QKR Stampede.

This card uses a digital stamp from the sister company, Eureka Stamps. It's Dear Friend (Es-digi56501), colored with Comic markers, then fussy cut, framed with black card stock, then put on a another piece of card stock.  It was a quick color and a quick-to-assemble card, but a gorgeous image! Eureka Stamps has a number of these, and I reach for them often. 

I hope you join our "anything goes" challenge this week at QKR Stampede.  We have great prizes, and I'd love to see what you make!

1 comment:

  1. Julie, this is beautiful and love your coloring. Travel safe.
