
Monday, May 28, 2018

Be Brave -- a Tribute

 It's Memorial Day, and I'm spending the day working at the nursing home.  The VFWA will be in in the afternoon, putting on a program, hoping us all remember those that have gone before, paving the way for the freedom we have today.  Our country is so blessed because of our forefathers!

I have a tribute of a slightly different kind today, featuring a stamp set from Craftin' Desert Divas.  I have a friend going through chemo for the 2nd time in 2 years.  I barely made it though once, so I don't know where she's getting the courage to go through it twice. I admire her so much!  This time around isn't easy, but she's 1/2 way through the treatments.  Prayers, friends, and family are helping her on her journey.   

This card is for my friend:

I created the background by blending 3 colors of blue-ish Distress inks together.  I used Tumbled Glass toward the middle of the card, and Salty Ocean and Mermaid Lagoon around the edges.  I used a Bubble stencil and Mermaid Lagoon to create the background design.

The sentiment was stamped with Memento ink and hit with a heat gun.   I stamped 2 sizes of fish from the Be Brave Stamp Set to create the card front.  Pixie Dust Sequins, also from Craftin' Desert Divas,  finish off the card.

I hope this card gives my friend strength &/or a smile!  There's so little I can do for her.  I like to show my love with cards.

Craftin' Desert Divas is having a design team call.  I'm using this card as one of my entries for the call.  Wish me luck!!

I'm planning on entering this card in the following challenges:
613 Avenue Create -- Optional twist - mostly blue
Cute Card Thursday -- Little Boy Blue
D.L. Art -- May Linky Party


  1. Such a wonderful card. The sentiment is lovely. I am sure your friend will love it.
    Sending my prayers...
    Crafting with Creative M

  2. This is so sweet. I love it and I am sure it will cheer your friend up.
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes MAY 2018 Linky Challenge. Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.

