
Friday, September 21, 2018

Hello, Fall -- a Bugaboo Stamps Friday Freebie

I continue to have so much fun guest designing on the Bugaboo Stamps Design team.  I'm well into my 2nd month now, and the stamps I get to work with, along with the super talented and friendly team make it such a joy!

Freebies -- every Friday!  Have you grabbed today's yet?  I love sunflowers, and I really like to color them, so today's card was such a joy for me to create, plus I got to use some of my favorite We Are 3 papers!  Wow!

This card uses Sunflower Vase, colored with Copic markers.  It's very easy to color -- took a matter of minutes.

The designer paper behind the sunflowers is from the Sunflower Collection at We Are 3 Digital Shop

The sentiment was cut out with dies, purchased at Peachy Cheap.  The crinkle ribbon is from 3 Girl JAM (no longer in business).

I hope you check out the Catch the Bug blog today to see what the rest of the talented Bugaboo Stamps team did with this wonderful Friday Freebie.  Pick it up for yourself, then enter the Saturday challenges, the monthly Stella Says Sketch challenge, and try to win some more digis for yourself!  

I would like to enter this in the following challenges:
AUD Sentiments -- Fall plus a sentiment
Cards 4 Galz -- Thoughts of Fall
D.L. Art -- September Linky party
Outlawz Twisted Thursday -- In the Garden


  1. WOW ... such a beautiful, happy creation! LOVE IT!!

  2. This is so pretty I love sunflowers and those are really cute
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes SEPTEMBER 2018 Linky Challenge. Have a blessed day

    DIANA L.

  3. Lovely bright and cheerful card! Thanks for joining us at Cardz for Galz
