
Friday, May 1, 2020

Friends -- for Bugaboo Stamps

FFFFFFrrrrriiiiidddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's Freebie Friday at Bugaboo Stamps!  Every Friday!  Even though I already have 3 posts on my blog today, I had to color up today's image because I couldn't pass it up.  It's so. darn. cute!  You're gonna love it!  You gotta grab it!   For free!

This is Two Girls

Be still my heart!  Aren't they the cutest ever?  

I colored Two Girls with Copic markers and made it into a friendship card, but how sweet would this be if you had a sister?  

I used this week's sketch at Sketch Saturday for this card.  Here's the sketch: 

Papers on this card are from AMB Illustrations.  They are part of the Rainbow papers. 

Take time to visit the Catch The Bug Blog to see what the other talented Bugaboo designers have created with this Two Girls image.  You won't be disappointed.  Then visit the Bugaboo Stamps Store to pick it up and do a little shopping.  Color something up and enter it in a challenge.  You could win some more great Bugaboo

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
Sketch Saturday -- week #607
Cute Card Thursday -- Feminine
D.L. art -- May Linky Party
Polkadoodles -- ATG


  1. Thank you for joining the DL.ART MAY LINKY challenge
    Awesome card Julie I love the bright colors on the sky and the striped dress is really cool!! I love it.
    Thank you for your inspiration!!. Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.


  2. Your card is adorable. You got some fun hearts that you used on this card and the previous.
