
Monday, February 1, 2021

Orchid Silhouette -- For SheepSki Designs Challenges

 It's February first, and a new challenge is starting today over on the SheepSki Designs Challenge Blog. The challenge will run for the month of February and has the theme of Romance &/or use Red. 

There's nothing more romantic than flowers, right?  OK, maybe chocolate is more romantic, or a nice dinner out, or coming home to a clean house, but you get my drift.  Flowers are a symbol of romance.  So, I decided to create with the beautiful digital image, Mini Orchid Silhouette:

I printed the Mini Orchid Silhouette image onto a new paper in the We Are 3 Digital Shop. It is one of the Painted Strokes papers. Then, I used a die set by Sharon Callis to create the card. The silver butterfly is a die from Cheery Lynn. The 'Love You' sentiment is from Spellbinders. 

You'll find this pretty Mini Orchid Silhouette and many others that fit this month's theme of "Romance &/or Red" in the SheepSki Designs Etsy Shop.  Pick up a new favorite, and join us this month!  I'd love to see what you create! 

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
AUD Sentiment -- Sending Love + a Sentiment


  1. This is lovely, Julie. Thanks SO much for sharing your talents and creativity with us at Word Art Wednesday. I hope you'll join us again this Wednesday for our new challenge. Have a blessed week.
    Word Art Wednesday

  2. Loving the shape and those fantastic die cuts, how awesome!
    Andrea x

  3. Very elegant - love the dies you've used.

    Thanks for sharing it with us at the Aud Sentiments Challenge.

    Helen x
