
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Floral Hello -- for Dies R Us Challenges

 It's September 1st, somehow (I'm not sure how we've gotten to this point in the year), and it's time for a new challenge at Dies R Us Challenges.  As always, challenges are Anything Goes, as long as you use a brand of die sold in the Dies R Us Store

Flowers are still blooming, and the monarchs are starting their migration south.  They are the inspiration behind today's card for the Dies R Us Challenge:

I started out with a sunshine yellow card base, then cut out a Tutti Designs Multi Floral Background panel.  My original plan had been to use some distress inks on it, but once I cut it in white, I really liked it just the way it was.  The sentiment is by Poppystamps.  It is the Hello Poe Script.  I like that all the letters are connected.  I makes it easy to position it on the project.  The butterfly is by Sizzix, but there are many butterflies that would work equally as well in the Dies R Us Store.

The challenge will run for the next 2 weeks, so I hope you can join us!  Remember, it's Anything Goes, as long as you use a brand of die sold in the Dies R Us Store. For our Canadian customers, there is the Didi Crafts Store, with fantastic products and reasonable shipping costs.  

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges:
D.L. Art -- September Linky Party


  1. Such a warm and cheerful card! The holographic butterfly is brilliant!!

  2. Oh, how pretty!! Love the gorgeous butterfly and beautiful floral background!!

  3. Beautifully created card and I love the shine and shimmer on that gorgeous butterfly!

  4. A beautiful card and I love he background die in white. It makes everything else really pop.

  5. This is SO pretty...LOVE the butterfly!

  6. Love the background and blue and yellow are so great together.

  7. This is so pretty. Love the yellow and white - such a happy card. Your butterfly is gorgeous and really pops on the beautiful background.
