
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Scent with Love -- for Dies R Us Challenges

 It's the first of the month, and it's time for a new challenge at Dies R Us Challenges.  This month, the theme is Valentines/Love. Just use a brand of die sold in the Dies R Us Store, use the theme, and you are good to go! 

I picked up some of the recent new release from Lawn Fawn in the Dies R Us Store and thought I'd have a play. This card is for you, and it's scent with love!

I used elements from both the Scent with Love and Scent with Love Add On. I stamped the images with Memento Tuxedo Black ink.  I colored them with Copic markers, them used the matching Lawn Fawn dies to cut them out.  I cut out the giant XOXO twice.   It is also a new release from Lawn Fawn. I placed all this in front of a nested stitched heart die from Tutti Designs.

The background paper is by AMB Illustrations. I thought it fit the card very well, with it's small hearts and "stitched" appearance. 

I hope you join us this next two week's for our Valentine's/Love challenge.  There will be a gift certificate awarded and 3 designer choice awards.

For our friends in Canada, check our Didi Crafts. They have a great selection of crafting supplies and reasonable shipping rates!


  1. These little critters are the cutest, a super cute cute Valentine card!

  2. Love these little skunks. Your card is adorable.

  3. These little skunks are quite popular this month. Your card is adorable!

  4. So the sweet images!

  5. Great colors and cute focal image. Love it.

  6. Love your card design with the stinking cute lil guys :-) Love the heart and xoxo colour contrast. Very striking. Love it!
    Enjoy your day.
    Lena xx
