
Friday, July 1, 2022

Bold Butterfly -- for Dies R Us Challenges

It's July!  I'm having trouble getting my head around that!  For all my Canadian friends, happy Canada Day!

It's July!  That means it's time for a new challenge at Dies R Us Challenges.  The challenge will run for 2 weeks.  This month, the theme is Anything Goes.  Easy peasy!  Just use a brand of die sold in the Dies R Us Store, and link up! 

I love butterflies!  I like big, bold, make an impact on a card butterflies!  I think this Pink & Main 3-part die does just that:

This card uses the Bold Butterfly Panels A, B, and C from Pink & Main.  They are sized to perfectly fit an A2 sized card.  The card also uses a Hero Arts stamp and die set called Sentiments XL. 

I hope you join us the Dies R Us challenge!  Remember, it's anything goes, as long as you use a brand of die sold in the Dies R Us Store

For our Canadian customers and friends, visit Didi's Crafts for great selection and reasonable shipping rates.


  1. Oooh, What a gorgeous butterfly die! Great colors too. I love dies like this that make card making so easy. Well done, Julie!

  2. Awesome big bold butterfly, how fun and love how it takes up the entire card making card making a breeze!!

  3. Big, bold and beautiful, Julie. Love the colours you used!
