
Thursday, December 1, 2022

It's Snowing -- a new challenge at All Dressed Up Stamps

 Happy December, crafty friends!  Here we go -- the busiest month of the year.  Do you have your Christmas cards done?  I'm going to send mine out the next few days.

December -- that means there is a new challenge starting in the All Dressed Up Stamps Facebook group.  The theme for this month is 'Clean & Simple'.  Plus, you must use an All Dressed Up Stamps image.

Is CAS easy for you, or a challenge?  I think most of the cards I make are CAS, since I like to make the image front and center.  But then, when it's a CAS challenge, I am unsure of the definition and am never sure if the card I made actually fits the theme or not.  Such insecurity!

Here's my interpretation of a CAS card using the darling image, It's Snowing

I kept it simple, just backing the image with a snowflake paper (from Crafter's Companion), colored yardstick, and an inked 6x6 card base. 

I colored It's Snowing with Copic markers, adding in a few snowdrifts.  I love to use blue violet colors when coloring snow.  Living in Wisconsin, I have plenty of time to observe snow and it's shadows every winter.  In fact, we've had snow on the ground for a couple weeks now.

I used dies from Queen & Company to cut out the image and the backing layers. The snowflake sequins are by Hero Arts. I heat embossed the Warm Wishes sentiment -- also by Hero Arts. 

I hope you find time to join us this month for our Clean & Simple challenge at All Dressed Up Stamps Facebook group. I'd love to see your interpretation of CAS!

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